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For All of us Lock-Ups

Let's all get together, guys, gals, Tops, and bottoms and form a place to spout off.

New stuff! Finally! There's a section on the great assignments you've been sending in and some reader input (pics, stories, and comments!)

i'm still shaking. What a night! See i've been swamped with mail. Some of it is Howdys, some requests for pics, and some commands for me to do. The howdy-type letters i have been keeping up with. Last evening when i left Gem's i had written everyone that had written me. i don't get THAT much mail, it's just that i usually try to be complete when ever i write a reply. Pis i still had a ton to do and i was behind on commands that i have recieved.

That left pics and commands to do. Since i don't have a computer of my own that meant i could only do comands at home. i thought i was being smart to make a hardcopy of ALL the commands so i could show them to j. She'd be needed in a lot of them as an assistant.

i got home. j had already eaten so while i ate i let her look over my list and asked her to please help me get some of them done. At the time i thought i was doing the right thing. j even agreed to help. She was in a good mood, the best i'd seen her in since we both got sick.

After i ate i got a shower and j organized the list. When i finished cleaning up we began. Here's what we had to choose from:

Place a handcuff key in the middle of the floor. Take turns tying each other - I want you both tied at the ankles upper and lower thighs. (gaged) both of you on the floor with your hands handcuffed behind your backs. Start on opposite sides of the room. Race to the key; first one to get her handcuffs off has Carte Blanche over the other for the rest of the evening.

Then write me back all about it :)

make that car ride an assignment.
Sleep handcuffed and blindfolded tonight, cum before you fall asleep and again before you get up.
Bind and gag yourself. Sit on your bed for one hour bound and dressed as I outlined. Imagine Your Master is there. Your Master gently took your wrists and put them behind your back, and then you felt the handcuffs tighten behind your wrists. Your Master sits you on the bed, fondling your soxed feet as Your Master handcuffs your ankles. Then your Master fills your mouth with a gag. This is My modified Standing Command. You will spend one hour a week in bondage for Me. Additional Command for this week, which is a pennance: After spending one hour in bondage on your bed, you will make your way to a suitable corner in your dwelling. You will stand, facing the wall, in the corner for 5 minutes. You will then kneel in the corner for an additional 5 minutes. For this time you will reflect on how you can serve Me better. After the 10 minutes is up, your pennance is served and all will be forgiven. [additional Command ends] If you have a friend to help you when you're in bondage, she certainly may be present. Indeed, she may apply the bondage and gag, and hold the keys until the time is up or you require release due to an emergency. Yes, you will still be bound when you are standing/kneeling in the corner.
I'm going to command you to do something if you haven't done it already: Go see Titanic.
Handcuff yourself with your hands in front of you and then go and do something in public, like take a walk, or go out with a friend, or just bum around, but do it in public.

j had decided to start with the race one first. i got out my gear, we'd need enough for both of us. i have five pair of handcuffs so it was no problem there. Some rope and a pair of bandanas completed what we needed. i was in panties and a t shirt and j was in jeans, sweat shirt, and tennies. i tied her knees together for her and she tied mine, very tightly! i asked her why and she said i tied her just as tight. i hadn't! Honest! So when i put a set of handcuffs on her ancles i made sure they were tight! Besides, if they hurt a bit and slowed her down it'd help me win the upcoming race! You've got to plan ahead in life, right?

Ouch! She really put handcuffs on my ancles tight! So when i gagged her i got a little revenge which she paid me back for when she gaged me. My hands were twitching as i grabbed up a pair of handcuffs. i wanted to put them on her so bad. i wasn't really mad. It was more of a playful mad. j has that efect on me because she is so naturally playful herself. She can do about anything in a playful way. We could argue and it would be playful.She had even been a little playful when she had been her sickest. Go figure.

i was set to handcuff her playful sweet hands behind her in a playfully EXTRA TIGHT way when i saw her cerimouniuosly place "the" key on the floor and motion me to my corner. We both drug ourseves as far from "the" key as the room would allow and turned to face each other. i motioned to her that she should get back a little more. and she motioned for me to get back too. When we were both crammed against opposing walls and satisfied with our positions j did a 1-2-3 thing with her fingers. i didn't understand at first but took it to mean that would be the final signal for us to get into our last pair of handcuffs and go-for-the-gold. She looked at me to see if i'd understood what she was trying to get across to me. i knew what she meant but since conversation was out of the question i put my handcuff around my wrist and put my hands behind me to handcuff my other hand to the first. She just looked at me surprised and in her eyes i could read her thinking, "You're cheating!".

She could read in mine, "Yes i am and i'm going to win!" as i began to squirm away from the wall. i did a kind of sideways crawl that i had learned over the years of bondage. i wasn't going to to let her beat me. i'd keep her hog-tied all night! As position allowed i caught a glimpse of her hurridly putting on her cuffs and begining. Actually, i supose she could have forgone the handcuffs altogether and pulled herself over to where i was, stopped the contest and made me go back to the wall, but as soon as she put on her handcuffs she lost that option and i still had my headstart!

i saw her put her feet against the wall and give herself a good push off. She was nearly as close to "the" key as me! i'd have to remember that move the next time we played this game! Write that down someone. Well the contest was probably as exciting to watch as a turtle race though a camera crew would have had a field day! i got there first but the real war of wills was just begining. i had to USE "the key! j was a quick learner and was doing everything that she could to keep me from freeing my hands. It was like mud wrestling! i did my best but as soon as i'd get into a position to try to free myself she'd bump me or grab at my hands or something. i almost had "the" key in the hole when she bumped me again and i dropped it. There was a mad dash for "the" key such as we could muster and then she had it but i got it back then she bumped me again and i almost lost it.

i had to come up with something to keep her off me for 15 seconds, but what? If only my feet were free i could maybe pin her down long enough for me to get the key in the slot and turn it. i spun around on my back and put my legs on top of her holding her to the floor. i had my time but i was on my back. The handcuffs were getting tighter instead of me getting them off of me! i dropped "the" key again as she got out from under my legs. She could see it and i couldn't! i fished around desperately as she crawled up beside me and tried to roll me out of the way. i didn't feel the key and she had stopped moving around so that meant she had it. i bumped agaisnt her and found her hands with mine. She had one hand all balled up. That must be where the key was! i pried at her fingers opening the ball until she let me open her hand. There was nothing there! She'd tricked me! Quickly i began feeling around on the floor and used my backside to push her away from the area where the key probably lay.

i was exhausted from the exertion but i kept on going. j had fizzled out and allowed me to push her further away from where the key probably was. My fingers found nothing. i backed my buns toward j again. i didn't think that the key was that far back but i knew that if i went past where "the" key was it'd be able to feel the cold steel on my overheated legs or somewhere so i kept going back while j was trying to catch her breath. Despite the rug burns on my knees i was glad the my legs were bare. That gave me an advantage to feel where "the" key was. A girl's got to use every advantage given to her, right?

Still no key. i strained until my fingers ached. My arms were so very very tired. j had rested. Soon i would have to rest too and she would be able to hunt for the key and i wouldn't. "Please key, come to ME!!! Please, Please PLEASE!" i begged letting the words not only live in my mind but in my mouth too. Gags are good for that. They let you actually say something that you want to say without the words ever being intercepted. Finally i had to stop. i rolled over on my back covering every place that the key could have fallen. My hands and arms might be too tired to move but j would have a heck of a time moving me off of this spot until i had rested too and could use my hands again. i looked on the side of me away from j just to be sure i hadn't gone past "the" key. i didn't see it.

"Looking for something?"

A woman's voice! Had some one came in while we were struggeling? Maybe that was why j had stopped struggeling! She was like that, easy to embarass. i rolled over brazenly to see who had spoke. i thought the door had been locked. This was my house. i had the right to do anything in it that i wanted!

i didn't see anyone there, just j and me. Wait a minute! She wasn't wearing her gag! How'd she do that. i'd tied it too tight for her to slip it out of her mouth! She smiled at me and held up "the" key! She was free. How'd she do THAT! As if reading my mind she said, "When I got the key i didn't try to use it. I stuck it in the pocket of my jeans."

"What!" my mind cried. That was cheating. i didn't have any pockets! That was unfair!

i complained through my gag as j drug herself over to the other key and freed her knees. She used "the" key to free her feet too.

"Ok, that's one comand completed. Let's do another!" She told me.

The second command was where i was to sit on the edge of the bed for an hour. j made me sit up straight and be still as she got things ready for the next comand. See the movie "The Titanic."

She laid out what we were to wear and then got herslf a long shower. We had worked up a real sweat and i wished she'd let me get a shower too. By the time she came back in my bedroom way more than an hour had passed and i was at least rested thought still kinda achey.

She tried to get me up to stand in the corner but the handcuffs on my feet were too tight for me to stand up so she kindly loosened then and i did at least ten minutes standing in the corner with my nose to the wall. She returned and i did another ten minutes kneeling, nose to wall. i thought of Master "M" (name not real).

Finally she came back in again and sat me back on the bed and dressed me. i thought that when i went to the movie i wouldn't be tied up, but i was wrong. j was having fun. i could tell. She kept humming a merry little tune to herself. Isn't i agrivating when someone does that? Especially when you are tied up and gagged. i was begining to wonder if i'd be going to the movies gagged. i knew i'd be tied up. i'd done it to j before....

Payback is a bitch!

i went to the movies wearing, from the bottom up, tennies, socks (part of a command), jeans, no panties, no bra, a yellow blouse, a scarf, sun glasses that had been painted black on the backside (used them on j last time), a furry hat and of course a jacket (kind of loose fitting but short). My hands were handcufed behind me and i had to hold them up so they wouldn't be seen sticking out below the bottom of the coat.

She led me outside and put me in the car. Handcuffs were put on my feet and i was strapped into the passenger seat. i couldn't see a thing through the sun glasses as j drove us to the local movie house. j cut up all the way there and i was in a giddy kind of mood when she freed my feet and led me to the ticket window. The arms of the coat had been placed/stuffed into the jacket pockets so that it wouldn't be too evident that my hands were handcuffed behind me. i remember the sensation of being led inside. It had been cold out in the parking lot and the warm air inside felt good on my legs. j got some popcorn and a large drink and she led me to a seat. i knew what the popcorn was for and the drink too. She would put the popcorn with me between my legs so that i could hold it there for her. It was warm too and felt good between my legs. j would get popcorn and while her hand was between my legs she'd grab a feel. If i was bad she'd make me hold that cold drink between my legs. i'd done it to her when we first got together so i knew exactly what to expect. i was going to be a good little slave girl. If i was lucky she'd unzip my jeans!

Between the painted sunglasses and j reaching for "popcorn" i didn't get to pay much attention to the movie. About midway through j told me that she had to use the ladies room and asked if i wanted to come. While the idea of being left tied up and blindfolded in a movie house all alone had it's appeal i decided to not risk it and join her.

When we got to the lavatory i felt the urge to pee so i asked j to let me go. i was almost afraid to because she might have joined me in the stall and not untied me a bit and wiped off the droplets for me like we did at home (when one of us is tied and and had to use the toilet). Thankfully she freed one wrist and i was allowed to do my thing in privacy. It was hot in the movie theatre and with j feeling between my legs all night i removed the jacket to cool down for a minute. My blouse was damp all over. When i came back out of the stall j asked me how my arms were holding out. She knew as well as me how hard we had struggled durring the Race for the "key". Her arms were still worn-out feeling and i admitted that mine were too. She told me that i could have my hands in front. Actually the question had surprised me and when things started going the way they were i thought she was going to forgo the handcuffs for the remainder of the movie. She put them back on with my hands before me - then we remembered the jacket and then another woman came in the restroom!

i turned away quickly and hid my hands as best as i could in front just below my breasts. Maybe they'd look like bracelets, right? If you don't look too close, maybe? Huh?

j laughed that laugh of hers and told me that she was going back to our seats - and she was gone! With my jacket!

What to do? Stand there and wait for someone to see me? Hide in a stall until j came back to get me? Well, i could have, i supose, but this was something i'd always wanted to do (maybe not so close to home though). i gathered up my courage, hid my hands as best as i could and pretended to be chilly, took off those painted sunglasses and headed into the hallway next to the foyer...

There were people in the hallway. It was dimly lit, i supose, but nowhere near as dark as i would have prefered (my eyes, i guess, were still sensitive to light after wearing the painted sunglasses for so long)! There was a cop in the foyer but he was looking the other way. The bathroom was occupied so i darted into the theatre past a couple of people and began looking for j. My stomach was in knots. i didn't know where she was because i had been wearing the blackend glasses but i knew about how far to go and that we had been sitting on the right. j was there waiting for me and holding up her (free!) hand for me to see. i zipped in beside her and tried to hid in the confines of the seat.

"i'll get you for this!" i threatened j.

"Not tonight, you won't!" She giggled back.

"Gimme my jacket!" i hissed but feeling better, safer. She wouldn't give it to me so i got the popcorn tub and hid my hands behind it in my lap while i tried to pull the sleeves of my blouse down far enough to hid the handcuffs. j keep on giggeling. i was afraid the usher (do they still have those?) would come. No matter, they might have or the manager might show up.

i sat back in my seat and tried to relax and watch the movie. It was good, what i got to see of it. j and i left early so that i wouldn't have to go out amongst the crowd. She gave me my jacket and helped me get it over my shoulders. i held it together at the collar with my hands hidding them inside it. The sleeves on my blouse pulled back but i felt reasonably safe as i got up and followed j to the car. i breathed a sigh of relief when i got behind the closed doors of the car. It was freezing cold, but i didn't mind. On the way home j teased that she was going to take the long way and leave me along side the road so i could hitch hike the rest of the way back. She said that she expected to see me in a year or two or she was moving back into her place. We had a good ride home playing and joking.

Whoever sugested the "Do something in public" i thank you, it was a gas though i don't recommend it for everyone. i would have hated to get caught. i hear they make you register as a sexual pervert or something!

We got home and were worn out. Nicely excited but tired. j undressed me like i had taught her to do without releasing me. i got a shower wit j and we got into bed with my hands still handcuffed in front of me. i was completey bare and so was j when she climbed in. She put one hand of hers between my two hands and handcuffed herself so that our arms were looped together. We couldn't get our hands free and we couldn't seperate ourselves from each other.

"Now we really play!" j told me, and we did!

Yes, in the morning we played again.

i guess it was worth it, letting everyone send in comands for me to do. i think i am all caught up so what are my plans for next saturday night, huh?

....and special thanks to j. i'm still shaking.


PS: i will go back and watch that movie over again. It looked good, what i got to see of it!


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