Hi! i have recieved mail that you would like to finally get a copy of my NewsLetter! Well this is not another thingum where you have to send off more mail to me - this is the (ta-da) FIRST EDITION of the shevette NewsLetter! That's the good news.... *"Oh-oh Martha, she's doing it again!"* No! This time there is more good news... yes! Just send me another letter in a week or so and you'll get the current edition of the NewsLetter (my server is going to love me for this!) Anytime you want to check on the news all you have to do is send a letter with the word NEWSLETTER in the subject line. This should hold together until i can complete the adjustments on my NEWS MACHINE, ok? N E W S ! Ok, First Edition! First, i have been in contact with Ava and she's all set to write us some more about herself. The skinny right now is that the guy she was writting about visited the site (she wanted him to) and the two of them got back together again to discuss if there was still any chenistry there. It was a trying time for them, but at least they got to clear the air. They decided that it wasn't going to work. Breaking up is a hard think to do and i can sympathsize with them. Thankfully it was a clean honest break. No ill will, thank goodness. So expect to hear more from Ava and she expects to hear more from all of you! Are we shy? Here i keep telling her about all the mail she's getting about her - everyone's in love with her! Hey, if that's so then why doesn't she get more letters? She wants to hear from all of you! She's pretty, she's bright, and she dyn-o-mite! So write! *** What else? New pages are posted in the New Stuff section. Most everyone seems to like the site layout, thank you. i hope its easier to find what you are looking for. *** Sad note: No... Sad but sweet - kinda bittersweet. Let's just say that this is hard to explain... It's about Master Chris and me... A little over a year ago he and i decided that we wanted to become Master and slave - on the net. The fact that we were Master and slave just on the net was not something that we actually tried to conceil. When i first became aware that people thought we actually lived together i was surprised. i wanted to say that we had never met face-to-face but it didn't seem like something to make into an article so it became kinda status quo to not mention it to everyone. Usually when i answered email from someone who had mistaken us as real-life Master and slave i would explain the true circumstances - not always, but usually. i guess i have mentioned to hundreds of people what our true circumstance was. Something like this: "Master Chris and i have never met, never called, and are Master and slave just on the net." Even that isn't true. Part of being on the net is fantasy, like in a chat room. Fantasy and reality mix sometimes. Master Chris became a part of my everyday life and i loved it. He is a good Master, maybe the absolute best! On the net he has been accorded full rights as a Master and even, to a degree, off the net. When he ordered me to do something at home you can believe that it got done or i gave it a darned good try! He dictacted if i wore underwear or not, when i was to wear a crotch rope, use a walnut gag in public, if j was to give me a spanking, and lots of wonderful things to help me become a better person and a better slave. It has been both wonderful and great! My attention to Master Chris grew and grew, and his attention to me grew as well. i stopped dating altogether. i had Master Chris to control me and it was pretty good. There was a problem though. One can not live via the net. Real life is stronger that Virtual Time. Gals have got to be touched by guys - for real. This fact went unheeded. i had j to help with sexual gratification and that was enough... until i met someone in the town where i live. Someone i intend to get serious with. Someone i HAVE to get serious with. Some things we have control over in our lives. Some things are controlled by the heart. i've always said the the communication between the heart and brain are poor, but this time i knew that my heart wanted control. It had something it wanted. Usually the heart doesn't ask for much. Its definately not a control freak so when it asks for something then its time to let it have what it wants - or be prepared to face the consequences. My heart wanted the nice man down the road to touch me. i wanted him to touch me too. When Master Chris and i started it never was decided what we would do about meeting people in real life. For me it was enough to hear from him by email and if he had girls on the side then it was cool. Somewhere i stopped wanting to look for a man - even though i longed for one. i see this, where i have met this man, as a wake-up call. i want to be a slave to a man in real life and i want to have a child. i discused this with Master Chris awhile back and he was alright with it - and a little jealous. i can't blame him there, i mean i did feel some jealousy over the fact that he was probably seeing other women in real life. Now the time has come where i need to make room in my life for this other man to enter. It is with the heaviest of hearts that i humbly ask, nay beg, Master Chris for my freedom. i will post his answer in the next NewsLetter...