Hi! i have recieved mail that you would like to finally get a copy of my NewsLetter! Well this is not another thingum where you have to send off more mail to me - this is the (ta-da) SECOND EDITION of the shevette NewsLetter! Just send me another letter in a week or so and you'll get the current edition of the NewsLetter (my server is going to love me for this!) Anytime you want to check on the news all you have to do is send a letter with the word NEWSLETTER in the subject line. This should hold together until i can complete the adjustments on my NEWS MACHINE. Looks like this NewsLetter may be running like this for awhile longer... N E W S ! 4/21/99 Ok, SECOND Edition! "......i discused this with Master Chris awhile back and he was alright with it - and a little jealous. i can't blame him there, i mean i did feel some jealousy over the fact that he was probably seeing other women in real life. Now the time has come where i need to make room in my life for this other man to enter. It is with the heaviest of hearts that i humbly ask, nay beg, Master Chris for my freedom. i will post his answer in the next NewsLetter..." Ok, this is the big news: i am no longer Master Chris' slave. We are still going to be friends and i intend to still refer to him as Master Chris. This is kinda like a break-up and it kinda isn't. Funny thing, since this has happened Master Chris and i have sharred some email that has been closer than almost any of it. We have talked about when we got together and our goals. It is good and it is sad. i will keep the good and try to turn the sad around. All is as well as can be expected... *** Have you all read the article about "What's Better" yet? It is a cute comparison between Female/Male/slave/Master. The article was so well recieved that a friend and Sir Irvy (also a friend) wrote in two more lines, one for "Being young is better" and "Being old is better". Its really quite cute and i think you'll enjoy going back over it - its at the same location under my NEW STUFF page under WHAT'S BETTER. The link may look like you have already been there, but its new and improved. A special thanks to my anonimous friend and Sir Irvy! *** As you may have noticed this is the second edition of the news letter. The first edition will be posted soon on my NEWS page for all of you that missed it or just want to collect them all - bound to someday be rare collector's items! giggle *** i will have a page up about Rob soon. You won't believe what i found out about him! i feel like this is the real deal here and i plan to document our relationship - kind of as a help-guide for those of you out there who are trying to figure out how to find someone you'd like to marry and who would be willing to be your bondage partner as well. Its a kind of a which came first proposition, the chicken or the egg.... i not saying the way i'm doing it is right, i'm just making the information available if anyone might be able to use it... *** Sir Jerry has dropped back by and given me some new pictures that he made of me. i can't tell you how good it makes me feel to have one of you sit down and take the time to draw what you think i would look like in some situation. It makes a girl proud! Thanks to all of you who have done so - amd thanks to everyone who has written stories about me - i love the input! *** What else is new? Well, i'm glad you asked... expecting a new Ava story any day now.... (did you hear that Ava?) i have been in comunication with someone else who wrote me a letter while tied up. She got the idea from the pic and stories about my online chat experiances and i think its cool to get the real skinny out there about how women really feel about being tied-up - its not just a game! Sir Jerry's pics will be posted! i have a guy who can write the sweetest and wildest scenes you've ever seen! He's promised to write something for us too! Soon, i expect, a page where Rob is going to have something to say - either about me, the site, his likes, or who knows what - i really want him to be a part of all this... *** MISSING PERSON: Annie, if you are out there, please write - i lost your addy again! Miss you girl! *** Mail is still a mess, but i have a new filling system (which might actually work!) and i have a new program that helps with the mail that i got from ZD Net(tm) for free. Well, hang in there and thanks for recieving the news letter - i know it's not too swift the way you have to get it and all, but things are getting better. Hey! i don't have a slogan for my NewsLetter yet! Anyone want to help? Just send me some email and let me know what you think it should be... How about "Bondage - for the people!" or "Tied-Down Times"/"Tied Up Times" or "Rope, Chains, & Ink" (yuk! you can surely come up with a better name/logo than these - Halp!)[BE SURE NOT TO SEND ME ANY MAIL TO THE NEWSLETTER/ADDME/REMOVE accounts - that mail is handled by an auto-responder and isn't read] Should the news letter be done in HTML format? How about a RichTextDocument? What do you think? shevette O..C