Hi! i have recieved mail that you would like to get a copy of my NewsLetter! Well this is not another thingum where you have to send off more mail to me - this is the (ta-da) THIRD EDITION of the shevette NewsLetter! Just send me another letter in a week or so and you'll get the current edition of the NewsLetter (my server is going to love me for this!) Anytime you want to check on the news all you have to do is send a letter with the word NEWSLETTER in the subject line. This should hold together until i can complete the adjustments on my NEWS MACHINE. Looks like this NewsLetter may be running like this for awhile longer... N E W S ! 5/4/99 Ok, THIRD Edition! i miss my Master Chris! Please be careful with online love - it has a tendancy to become real! It was hard (and still is hard) to seperate myself from an online love. i am lucky though, i have j to talk to and Rob is a real champ about the whole thing. *** Been offline with Rob taking up every free minute of time - which isn't bad at all. i am trying to get this newsletter thingy going and i have been making headway on all the wonderful email that got backed-up while i was offline. Bare with me as this is exam week.... *** NEW STUFF: Goecities has given me a ThingMaker which is something to make interactive pics. They are sort of like .gif files but can do a lot more. The nice part is you can interact with them. i have one almost ready to post. If you have ever been to my TieMeUp page its like that. You get to tie me up four different ways and tickle me to your heart's contentment. Over 100 pics in this Thing and its animated! Sir Irvy has been sick so i want all of us to take a minute and say a prayer for him - an email would be nice. Please take the time to go to my Origional page and click on Sir Irvy, that will carry you to a page we started together and you can find his email addy there - i can't give it out. What's CD&S? Consensual Domination and Submission, of course! i had a guy sugest that what we need is a acronym for bondage that doesn't have the dark overtones of Bondage/BDSM/Ds/SM/ect. i think its a good idea. Part of the reason people are turned off by the idea of Bondage is because of the bad rep that it has gotten in the past. Why don't we get together under a new banner? It would be nice to be able to tell a lover that you are into CD&S and not have them think that you are strange, y'know? CD&S (or whatever name we choose) would have to mean something good right from the start and would have to be kept that way. i was just thinking that any bad acts associated with CD&S could be blamed on another catagory, but who would we put the blame onto, what other banner would we defame? The people suporting Ds would not want it put on them and niether would the SM people, right? So we would need a zero poulation group like the RRG (RedneckRapestsGroup.) How about the perverts? (PV's) Do we have any public relations people out there listening? Give me your ideas, please - all of you/us. i'm very much proud to be a slave (and now, ocassional Domimatrix) and i'm tired of feeling like i need to do some explaining and even defending the second that bondage comes up. *** THAT'S ALL FOR NOW. Still waiting for my new hard drive to arive so that i can get into high gear. The manufacture sure sounded good on the phone, but we haven't seen that replacement hard drive show up yet...