----------------------------------------------------------------------- This note generated by my autoresponder - if you would like to write to me please make sure that the following subject lines are not used or the autoresponder will intercept your mail - unless you want to hear from my autoresponder again.... giggle tiemeup addme confirm newsletter remove (The auto responder is not case sensitive and it doesn't ) ( care if there are other words in the subject line ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! i have received mail that you would like to get a copy of my NewsLetter! Well this is not another thingum where you have to send off more mail to me - this is the (ta-da) THIRD EDITION of the shevette NewsLetter! Just send me another letter in a week or so and you'll get the current edition of the NewsLetter (my server is going to love me for this!) Anytime you want to check on the news all you have to do is send a letter with the word NEWSLETTER in the subject line. This should hold together until i can complete the adjustments on my NEWS MACHINE. Looks like this NewsLetter may be running like this for awhile longer... N E W S ! 5/14/99 Ok, FOURTH Edition! i miss my Master Chris! Please be careful with online love - it has a tendency to become real! *** A reader writes: >If you ever update your bio, it would be kewl to know your astrology >sign. > i am a Capricorn (the sea goat - yuk!) and Rob is an Aries (the ram - much better!) i went to webcrawler.com to see how our two signs match up... The stuff in [brackets] is my evaluation of what is said.... [t]= true [T]= very true [f]=false [F]= very false ect. When Aries and Capricorn come together, they must work hard to ensure that their strengths are geared toward the same purposes. [T] They are the tortoise and hare of the Zodiac; they are inextricably linked but they don't always realize it.[T - first they call me a sea goat then call me a tortois! No wonder i'm not into astrology!] Aries is out there in the world, moving fast, risking it all.[f not Rob at all... He's quiet and steadfast - my rock!] Capricorn dislikes risks and moves at a slower pace, but works inexhaustibly toward well-defined goals.[1/2] Both partners are sure to get where they're going, only in different ways![T] Capricorn is very unassuming and quiet[F - moi?], while Aries is more flashy.[1/2 - kinda] Both partners are stubborn, so when they're on the same team they need to have different and well-defined roles to ensure that they don't cross each other's boundaries.[? - hmmmm....] Their philosophies are very different:[T] Aries is always looking for the shortcut,[f] while Capricorn would rather do things the hard way if it ensures that the undertaking will be successful.[T] But once the partners understand each other's style, their different methods help them to achieve together what they could not achieve alone.[T] Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars [Nice!] Capricorn is ruled by the Planet Saturn.[?] These Planets often work at cross-purposes, so it's important for Aries and Capricorn to acknowledge and overcome their differences.[?] Saturn perseveres and keeps moving ahead through all kinds of difficulties;[T - that's me!] Mars has the energy to take projects forward despite obstacles.[T] Both partners tend to be resolute and neither gives up easily.[T] But if their energies are not channeled in positive ways, together these Planets may indicate cruelty, even violence, or they may signify repressed emotion.[Yikes!!!] Capricorn must be careful not to dampen Aries' spirit,[Ok?] Aries must not work at cross-purposes with Capricorn.[?] Aries is a Fire Sign and Capricorn is an Earth Sign.[ok] Aries is dynamic,[?] Capricorn is more practical.[FALSE] Capricorn ask themselves, O what good will this do as I work toward my main plan in life?[f] O while Aries simply sees what is desirable at the moment and goes after it, without having a set plan in mind.[F - these two must have gotten reversed for Rob and me...] Although these partners may find it difficult to understand where the other is coming from, when they work together they make an excellent business team because of their complementary approaches.[T - i hope!] Aries and Capricorn are both Cardinal Signs.[ok] Both partners are initiators, but they have such widely varying work styles that they work better when they each have a particular, well-defined role.[True] On the surface, Aries is the leader, rushing out to overcome any barrier Capricorn will also be indirectly in charge because they are always working steadily toward their goals.[Probably - that's kinda me] It's important for both partners to understand that compromise is they key to success.[T!] The best aspect of the Aries-Capricorn relationship is that they each bring unique qualities to the relationship.[T] Once they allow each other to be themselves -- rather than raising an idealized image -- they can blend well to make a whole.[T] Theirs is a challenging relationship, but if they can learn from each other it's worth it![TRUE] By Kelli Fox, Astrology.Net Astrologer. i'm really not that much into signs. i am a little like the Astrologer described. i am not quiet at all - usually. Rob is quieter than me, but when he says something then that's the way it goes. i am tenacious, but i have no ordered plan. i try to, but i usually just keep plugging away until i get what i want done. i do appreciate perfection though and know that in most things true perfection is impossible. i enjoy being wild and whacky at times and i usually am. When something is important to me then i can be deadly serious. i work hard and enjoy the rewards. Wearing a smile is something i do even when down (usually), i figure i might see that smile reflected back and then the smile will be real. *** So now you know even more about me and you learned one more thing about me - i love to gab! giggle *** WORDS; Two special words for me: TOO - an evil word! Never means good, always bad! Try using the word in a good way... too poor too rich too smart too dumb ect. exceptions: me too you too ect. TOGETHER - a good word! i used to have trouble spelling this word back in grade school - until i noticed that i was spelled TO-GET-HER her being me! Needless to say the word together turns me on! Try to find a word like 'smell' that implies a good oder - like the oder of home-baked bread. Would you say you like the smell of a doughnut shop? i know one word that means about the same thing a smell, but with good connotations: Bouquet - Wine has a bouquet, not a smell, not an oder! In the English language there are nearly 500 ways to say 'no' and fewer than 100 ways to say 'yes'. i guess that's why gags were invented... *** THAT'S ALL FOR NOW. Still waiting for my new hard drive to arrive so that i can get into high gear. W A I T ! IMPORTANT NEWS FLASH! ******************************************************************** THE LONG AWAITED HARD DRIVE HAS ARRIVED! NOW THINGS CAN GO ONE OF TWO WAYS; I CAN PUT IT IN AND GET THINGS WORKING EVEN BETTER THAN NOW, OR I CAN MAKE A GOOF AND BE OFF THE NET FOR A WEEK OR SO TRYING TO GET THINGS PATCHED TOGETHER! WISH ME LUCK AND I'LL SEE YOU SOON! I HOPE!