Internal Links Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 13:34:03 -0800 (PST)
From: John Writer (pen name)
Subject: drawings; story to read
To: [email protected]
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Getting to know Linda

Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at me over the rim of her wineglass. - Cheers, I said as I closed my left eye, keeping her captive with my right. Smiling we drank our glasses empty and put them back on the table, still looking into each others eyes. I caught a glimpse of her slender hand, working its way over the table, so I met her in a light tickling touch. For a while we sat like that, lost in time, enjoying the magic moment. Then came the italian waiter with an insinuating look in his eyes. Smiling he cleared our table with swift movements after which he met my eye in a descret question weather we wanted a dessert or the bill.

- Are you hungry for more? I asked Linda with an confident smile.

- I�ve made some ice cream. Why don�t we go to my place, so I can have you taste some?

I nodded to the waiter, who smiled understanding and went to get our bill. As he returned I payed him, tipping off handsomely before leaving the nice little restaurant with Linda by my arm.

Her apartment was quite small, with a well planned hallway leading into a really small kitchen and a carefully furnished room. In the hallway stood a small antique desk on which the last weeks mail was hastely gathered in a few rough piles. There was also an issue of Vouge and some magazine full of sewing patterns. Directly inside the door, on the right was a hanger with a riding helmet on top of it and a few riding crops stuck together with an umbrella in a ring around the waist of the hanger. On the floor was a small oriental carpet on which three pair of shoes and an pair of high shiny riding boots in black leather. I was just trying to fit my jacket to the hanger when Linda turned around and greeted me welcome with a long sensual embrace. I squeezed her tightly and leaned forward to place a kiss on her neck. The shoulder long hair, dark gold, smelled fresh, with a flair of apple. She sighed with lust as my lips touched her neck lightly and played teasingly with her earlobe!

. We stood there for a few minutes, just inside the door, hugging tightly, feeling the warmth and the longing slowly grow. Then she suddenly freed herself and went to the kitchen.

- Why don�t you wait in the living room? I�ll bring the ice. Want some coffee?

- Yes, black please, I answered as i entered the room and my eyes fell on the big bed with cane ends.

I had been here a before on a few occasions but I had not yet explored the room completely, nor succeeded to end up in the bed. On the left hand of the bed were two closets, on the wall above the head end was a picture shoving a horse in a landscape of summer green. On the right hand was an oriel window that was almost three foot deep. From a hook in the ceiling hang a flower put and the window was full of green plants, prosperous and well kept. Just inside the oriel were two cane chairs with thick white pillows. I sat down in one of them and streched my legs out comfortably. Along the last wall opposite the foot end of the bed was a fireplace and in front of it a thick furry carpet that Linda had explain she had there since she couldn�t afford a bearskin. On both sides of the fireplace were pinewood shelves, one filled with books and papers, the other containing a TV set, a CD-player and a VCR.

After a few minutes Linda entered, balancing a tray with two blue glass coupes and two coffee cups. The glass coupes where filled with delicious red balls of ice cream, topped with fresh strawberries. Linda placed the tray on the rug in front of the fireplace, asking me to move down on to the floor. She laid down on her side, resting her right elbow on the soft rug, supporting her head in her hand. Her left hand reached for her glass coupe and she stuck her finger into the ice cream. Smiling towards me she formed her red lips into a kiss, gently placing it on her finger tip. Slowly she licked her finger, placing it completely in her mouth, sucking the ice off, while keeping her big shiny eyes focused on me. I smiled shyly as I felt a blush heat my cheeks, and my heart race with a fierce beat. Quickly I slid down on the floor, laying my self opposite her. With my head resting in my hand I consumed her with my eyes, enjoying her soft, tempting curves wisible trough the soft fabric of her dress. She was clad in blue, a light summer dress with a neat line of buttons all the way in front, from her neck lineing, to the edge down by her knees. Her long lovely legs were clad in shiny black stockings with seams in the back. I reached for the second coupe and placed it in front of me. To my surprise I couldn�t find any spoon or anything else to eat with. Linda smiled at me as she noticed my confusion. With slow and delicate moves she took a strawberry, pushed it down into the ice cream and then licked it clean. Finally she placed the strawberry between her teeth, smiled at me and swallowed it.

I started to pick my strawberries with my fingers, eating them one by one. They smelled wonderfully fresh, like swedish summer at its best. When they were all gone I went on to the ice cream, trying to lick from it as if I was eating from a cone. I was creamy filled with strawberries and very tasty. I enjoyed its cool freshness and kept licking like a puppy dog until my whole face was covered with ice. Linda giggled as I tried to reach with my tongue down to the bottom of the coupe.

Then it hit me that she wasn�t eating her ice, and I was just about to ask why, when she beat me to it:

- Want to play? she asked with a daring smile.

- Maybe, I answered as I sat my empty coupe down on the tray.

To my surprise she started to slowly unbutton her dress, revealing her black lace bra stretching over her rounded breasts. As she reached her bellybutton she stopped. She took her coupe from the tray, laid her self back on the floor, took some ice cream with her long lovely fingers and placed it on her belly.

- There you are, she said trying to hold back a shiver.

As I got the picture I crawled on all fours over to her.

- Put your hands on your back, she laughed.

I quickly did as she wanted. Kneeling with my hands behind my back I slowly bent forward trying to pick up the ice cream ball with my teeth. It proved more difficult then I expected and before long I had ice cream all over my face. Instead of picking it up I now had to lick it off bit by bit. Her skin was soft and cold, her scent wonderful. As I stopped for a while I saw her smiling happily with her eyes closed. Her breasts were heaving with her deep breathing and I could see her erected nipples trough the light fabric of her bra. So my eyes turned from her breasts down across her belly to the last of the undone buttons. I could just get a glimpse of her black panties under the dress. Carefully I opened an other button, and then an other until the dress was completely open. Underneath she was wearing a pair of black lace panties and a black garther to which her stockings where attached. I admired her firm belly, the soft bulge the panties formed over her venus mound and the long enchanting shapes of her lovely legs. Linda had got up to where she was leaning backward on her elbows for support. She watched me with a smile as I unbuttoned her dress and gently stroke the cloth to its sides.

- Did you like it?

- Absolutely, I stated without hesitation.

- Would you like to lick all of me?

- Actually that�s exactly what I�m thinking about doing, I said as I leaned forward and kissed her inner thigh, just above the stocking.

- Come, she said reaching for me with me with both arms.

I moved closer, pressing myself tightly against her.

- Do you know what I would like you to do? she asked with a nervous smile.

- No.

- I have this fantasy, that I would like to try out with you.

- Go on.

I could feel her tension as she took a deep breath and went on with her voice trembling from excitement and nervousity.

- I�d like you to play with me. To tease me and lick and kiss all of me.

- Of course, I answered as I slowly started to taste her soft neck with my cold lips.

- Wait... I�d like you to tie me up... To make me helpless and then to caress, kiss and arouse me, slowly, teasingly.

- It will be my pleasure, I answered smiling.

OK, she said merrily as she wiggled herself free from my embrace. She went to one of the closets, opened it and got out a large suitcase. She brought it back, dumped it on the rug and opened it. To my surprise it was filled with ropes, leather straps and o lot of other items. The contents smelled strongly from leather and the sweet smell of Linda being aroused. Driven by curiosity I looked trough the contents, feeling the excitement grow as did the tension in my jeans.

Linda got out of her dress and sat down on the rug, dressed only in her black lace underwear.

- How would you like to be tied? I asked uncertainly.

- The way you want me for the next few hours, she smiled in reply.

I got a rope from the bag and asked her to turn her back towards me. She willingly obeyed so I took her hands placing them on her back, palms together. Fumbling, but eager I wrapped the rope around her slender wrists until only a foot remained at each end of the rope. I used the end to cinch the former wrappings and then secured it all with a knot.

- You got to make that tighter, she said in a voice that told me she was even more excited then I.

- But that wouldn�t be neccesary, would it?

- Oh yes. Otherwise I might get free and that would ruin the excitement.

I untied the knot, tightened the cinch and retied using several knots.

- How about that?

- Much better.

She leaned backwards against me until she laid in my lap with her bound arms under herself.

- I didn�t know you were that soft hearted, she said with a playful glimps in the eye.

I didn�t answer her as my hand slowly wandered across her naked belly, moving in tiny circles closer and closer the the well filled cups of her bra.

- Remember it�s a game, she said. Pretend we�re secret agents and that you have captured me forcing me to reveal my secrets by driving me mad from sexual frustration. Tease my, frustrate me, be cruel in a playful and teasing way. I�ll pretend I don�t want to, that I try to withstand your tricks and that I really want to escape.

- But what if I hurt you?

- If I say "quit" you stop playing. Then you listen to what I say, but if I say stop or don�t or beg for mercy, than the game goes on.

- Quit?

- Yes, quit. Then you stop playing. Thats our safe word. All else is part of the game.

- OK. But I don�t really know what to do.

- Just keep binding. The more the better. It�s gorgeous when the bondage goes to exaggeration. Tie me up but good. And when you�re finished you light a fire in the fireplace, get yourself some coffee, pour a brandy and relax. Let your imagination flow. You�re a man are you not? Surly you can come up with something to do to a helpless woman.

Suddenly I felt her hands clutching my balls in a grip of iron. Firmly a pushed her away from me, reaching for more rope. I then tied her elbows together as tightly as I dared. I wrapped another rope around her torso and arms, a few times just above her lovely breasts, and a few times just below. After that I tied her legs, both at her wrists and above her knees. Pleased with myself I patted her butt and went to see to the fire.

- Now let�s see what you can do? I challenged her cheerfully.

To my surprise she started to wiggle away from me, towards the hallway. At first I wondered what she was doing, but then I realized she was trying to get away. I picked her up carried her back and placed her face down in front of the armchairs. For a few moments I wondered how I would stop her from wiggling the way she had done. Soon I got an idea and grabbed another rope. I treaded it between her bound wrists and on down between her bound ankles. With great determination I started to pull on the rope, watching her legs bend backwards. Linda tied to resist so I pulled harder and didn�t stop until her heels touched her nice buttocks. With a couple of firm knots i secured her in that position. I then returned to her suitcase and got hold of a black leather thing with white fur lining, that I assumed was a blindfold. Linda raised some lame protests but trough the glimpse in her eyes before I covered them, it was just what she wanted.

- You cruel bastard, she said as I tightened all the strap properly, you wouldn�t even think twice to gag a poor helpless woman!

I got the message, but didn�t know what to do. First I looked in the case and found a couple of things that I realized were made to shut sexy little female mouths up. I picked a black rubber ball with straps and went over to Linda who was already trying to fight the ropes.

- One thing more, I said in a worry, if I gag you, you will not be able to say "quit".

- No, then I�ll be yours completely.

- Seriously...

- When gagged: four short hums. And before you go on, do you find this arousing or do you wish to stop?

- Stop? In your dreams dear!

I firmly pushed the rubber ball deep into her mouth and secured it with a strap that buckled in the back of her nape. Another strap buckled under her chin and the last one went up in front, over the blindfold, over her head and down to the first strap. As I finished the last buckle she moaned deeply from lust and slowly lowered her head. Quickly I got a last rope which I tied to a D-ring on the blindfold and pulled down to her ankles forcing her to keep her head up. By her reactions i could see that she liked it and I sat a few moments watching her lustful, excited struggle against her bonds. I had an aching bulge in my pants and my first thought was to throw myself over her, kissing the entire helpless body of h an tear off her fragile underwear. But I realized that was exactly what she was longing for, so I let her be. I few minutes later a fire sparkled in the fire place, a cup of coffee stood steamingly hot on the small table between the cane chairs. I sat back deeply into one of them, comfortably stretched with my legs resting on Lindas upper arms. She was a pretty piece of furniture completing the room in a perfect way. I suddenly got an idea, dropped my legs on the floor and leaned forwards. I then pulled her panties tight up between her buttocks, partly because I knew she didn�t like that and partly because it helped displaying her beautiful ass cheeks. I then reassumed my position, reached for my brandy and placed my legs on my helpless prisoner. The muffled protests from Linda sounded almost as if she was laughing at her predicament, and I smilingly occupied myself with my next pleasurable task; that of figuring out how to drive Linda completely mad from sexual frustration...


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