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For All of us Lock-Ups

Let's all get together, guys, gals, Tops, and bottoms and form a place to spout off.

New stuff! Finally! There's a section on the great assignments you've been sending in and some reader input (pics, stories, and comments!)

Ok, last night was assignment night again!

i got home late, two in the morning after trying to get mail caught up and trying to meet a good friend on IRC. j was asleep and i was tempted to not wake her, but then too it was the perfect opportunity to let her feel the sensation of waking up as handcuffs were put on her...

i got a bag of Hershey Kisses, a pair of handcuffs and some rope and went into her room and sat on the bed gently. i wanted to see what kind of mood she'd wake up in. If she acted out of it i was going to just give her a kiss to let her know i was home and let her go back to sleep. The hall light was on.

She woke easily but was not startled by me being on the bed with her. She mumbled something like, "Oh there you are... there's some pizza in the oven....did you get done?" She barely opened her eyes and went back to hugging her pillow.

i shook the pillow in her grasp and asked, "Who's that you're hugging?" and giggled softly.

She opened her eyes wide, confused for a moment and after looking at me like i was only a little crazy she looked at the pillow and how she was holding it. She smiled at herself then told me, "I was dreaming of my Master D!" and she laughed.

"Wish he was here?"

"Un huh! He's not.... is he?!" She was still in that nice comfortable state halfway between sleep and conciousness.

"Not exactly." I responded. "But he has a gift that he asked me to give to you."

"Sure!" She mumbled not believing me entirely and cuddled up to her pillow.

"Yes." i reiterated and i let the handcuffs in my hand make a jiggle noise.

This got a one-eyed response of puzzelment.

"Close your eyes, i'm going to tie you up like he asked me to."

She was awake now. She clinched her eyes shut and clutched the pillow tightly. She knew that he had sent me email telling me what to do.

"What'd he say?"

"Well, i was suposed to do this Valentine's Day but we didn't have time, so tonight you are going to get his surprise." i explained to her as i put one side of a pair of handcuffs around her exposed wrist. Her breathing was in short rapid breaths.

"I was dreaming about him." She told me as i handcuffed her other hand. Her breathing became hoarse.

"Tell me about it." i told her as i slid down the bed and put a loop around her ancle. She still had her eyes tightly shut and was holding on to her pillow surogate Master for all she was worth. i tied one ancle off to the foot of the bed.

"I was in a forest, it was up north somewhere, I could see patches of snow - but it wasn't cold, something was after me a machine with all these wires hanging out of it..."

i tied her other leg to the end of the bed. "That sounds like a nightmare..." She was on her back with her legs spread wide holding the pillow to her body with her handcuffed hands.

"Well it was, but I knew he was coming to save me. Sometimes i'd even see him. Shinning armor, white horse, a lance. Like that. ...and i could feel him. It was like heat. Like his heat was protecting me from the cold of the snow, you know?"

"Let go of the pillow." i told her and ran some rope from the center of the bed to her hands and hoisted them to the head of the bed until she was streached out completely. "Go on..."

"Well, it was confusing. It was like he was there and then he wasn't. Once he dissappeared and there was a dark hole in the sky and someone said something about email and i began running because the thing was close by and my Master was there again, somewhere close, everytime I ran from the machine he was there, so I'd run a little bit and look around and I'd almost see him, then he'd fade and I'd run again and there he'd be again. Finally i found that if I'd walk backwards he'd appear in front of me. He was saying something but I don't know what. You should have heard his voice!" and she shivered in bed happily. "Oh he sounded so nice!" Her eyes were open at this point. "I kept trying to figure out how to walk backwards and toward him at the same time!"

"Look what i have." i told her and held up the bag of Kisses i had gotten saturday.

She smiled, mostly at herself. It's a joke around here about how much j loves chocolate.

"From your Master..."

"He sent them! How?"

"No. He told me to get them for you."

"Oh." mild disappointment.

"i was instructed to strap you down and feed these to you, one at a time."

"Oh, ok." mild interest.

"...without using my hands...." i explained.


i opened the bag and unwrapped one of the kisses and placed it in my mouth between my teeth. j looked at me like i was going to eat it then it dawned on her that i would give it to her from my mouth.

"His idea?" she asked incredulous.

i grinned widely and nodded, "Yes!"

She almost cried for joy. i leaned down and put my mouth where she could touch the Kiss between my teeth with her tongue. She licked at it posesively and tried to hook her tougue behind it and snach it from my mouth. i played with her a momment and let her have the candy followed by a kiss of my own.

She munched happily on the cocolate as i got another one from the bag and placed it between my teeth. i put our lips together and let her get her reward only to snatch it back with my toungue. We had a duel with our tongues over the candy that kept sliping from one mouth to the other. It finally melted enough that j was able to hide it in her mouth. We played this game several times. i let j win, it was suposed to be her candy after all. She had to work for it though.

Both of our mouths were covered in melted chocolate. i opened my blouse and unhooked my bra to expose my chest then i took one freshly opened piece and licked the bottom enough to make it sticky then spread it around on my b_east until it halfway stuck and offered it to j. She giggled and got the piece of candy. "Care to lick the plate?" i asked as i kept it close to her mouth. Her tongue felt good on me! Oh yes it did! The next piece of candy was served on the other side. She was kind with her tongue and licked me up clean. Very kind with her tongue!

"You haven't had any yet." She told me concerned, like the hostess of a party. "Here, put one on my plate for you." she offered as she extended a br_ast of her own for me to use. i slid her tshirt up and got one Kiss gooey and set on the offered plate and licked it off. j moaned softly so i did a good job of cleaning the plate. i stuck another Kiss on and held it so that she could lick it off herself then i helped. My n_pples were on fire!

i got up quickly and shed my clothing then i got back in the bed with j and fed her some more Kisses. "Would you care for one with sauce?"

"Huh? Sure." she told me. She had no idea what i meant, but was willing to try anyway.

i took a kiss and placed it between my legs gathering plenty of juice then held it between my teeth. She licked it, getting all the juice first then the melting Kiss. She complimented me on the fine sauce. i told her i had another flavor she might want to try. This time i sliped her panties down and used her juice. She was hesitant but was surprised how good she tasted. This was the first time j had ever experienced herself. i was very proud of her.

We played some more. Someone in the next room who couldn't see us but could here us would have sworn we were at a fine tea party. We kept saying things like, "Oh do have some more sauce" "get all that you want" oh, you missed some, let me help you get that up" "let me help you clean your plate" and some other things that might not have been said at a tea party....

"Mind if i put a few in the oven to warm?" i asked j.

"Oh, please do." j responded not sure what i'd come up with now. i unwrapped three kisses and placed them in the oven. i figured that they would turn all nice and gooey in a minute or two. j liked the sensation so i stroked her legs to increase the heat. By the time i was ready to get my Kisses from the oven she was ready for my tongue. i got the candy as she thrashed wildly. It took several minutes to clean out her oven comepletey. She was as limp as a dish rag.

Finally she was able to speak. "This was Master D's idea?"

"Un-huh." i confirmed as i munched on some of her candy.

"Whew! I didn't know he had it in him, I mean he's been so shy!"

"Maybe you inspire him kido!"

She laughed at this. "Is there more? Or do I stay tied up for the rest of the night? I feel sticky!" she giggled.

"Oh there's more." i told her.


"Yeah, desert! Me!" and i stuffed some Kisses in my oven for j to get. She laughed happily and soon i was spent.

i was very sleepy by this time, but there was more to do. A slave's work is never done! i untied j and we got a shower. She in her bathroom, me in mine, then we met in the front room. i had an assignment to fill.

i was wearing black bikini panties and a bra to match. My good old leather motorcyle jacket completed my attire.

"Ooooo! You look darling!" j complimented me.

i felt still turned on. i liked what i was wearing and how i had looked in the mirror in my bedroom. My hair had a rumpled look from where i had worn a shower cap when i cleaned up. It was a nice contrast between my leather jacket and my tiny undies even though both were black.

"Thank you. i feel.... dangerous and sexy!"

"You are!"

"Thanks." i replied, both in word and with a kiss. j was back in a clean tshirt and panties. It was four or five in the morning. "Here's the deal, i need for you to hogtie and gag me then put the keys on the table. i have ten minutes to try to get loose. If i don't then please help me get to bed and i have to spend the rest of the night tied up, ok?"

We took a hinged pair of handcuffs and put them on my wrists behind me. Thumbcuffs were put on my thumbs. Handcuffs on my ancles. j helped me get on my knees then my belly and a very short piece or rope was used to tie my feet to my hands. i had j put a knfe on the floor on the other side of the kitchen so i would have a chance of getting up on my knees and getting the key off the kitchen table. All of this had been spelled out for me in the assignment right down to what i was wearing. We did one last check that everything was ready then j gagged me and the ten minute countdown began...

To be frank, i was so tired that i would have been happy just to have laid there, but because i was so tired i wanted to be sure that i got untied so that i could sleep. i can sleep all night with my hands handcuffed behind me, but i wake up sore and tired. No matter how long i sleep like that or how good it feels i am still weak and tired the next day. i was off on monday so i wanted to feel like doing something. i had the inspiration to get loose! Another thing that played in here was that i had never dared to handcuff my hands behind me with the hinged handcuffs and thumbcuffs too with the hope of freeing myself. It had to be close to impossable. With j present i would have someone to rescue me if i got into trouble....

i was very well tied. Everything was tight and i could barely move. i like that. i even had a spectator, j.

i began sqirming across the floor as j muched on what was left of Master D's chocolates. It took time to get to the knife, but when you're all tied up what else are you going to do? Time is about all that you do have. i flipped over on my side and wearily began to feel around for the knife, i felt it almost immediately. Carefully i felt along it keeping track of where the sharp part was, i turned it in my hand until i had it where i could use it. Wearily i began to saw at the rope between hands and feet. The thumbcuffs made the job almost painful and the hinged handcuffs made the job almost impossable! i felt a burning sensation in my belly. i knew it would really really be next to impossible to use the key, when i finally got it, to remove the handcuffs from my wrists.

An amazing thing about handcuffs is that no matter how many times you wear them or for how long when they are on you they feel way way different than you remember! Really! You have like a feeling in yur mind what they are like but when they are on you and you do not have control of taking them off it feels very different, very up close and personal!

It took awhile to cut the rope but i got it and was headed back to the table. Most of my ten minutes were gone! i did not want to sleep like this! i sat up, got my feet under me, and an elbow propped up on a chair. i struggled to the seat.

j laughed at me and said something like, "Hi! How was the weather down there?"

If i hadn't been gagged i would have told her the floor was cold! Very cold!

i spotted the keys and turned away from them to try to reach them. i was feeling around and it occured to me that this was like j's dream - where she had to back away from her Master for him to appear! Wierd. i wonder about that....

i got the keys and began to try to fit them to something. i had all kinds of keyholes for them to fit into, i just couldn't figure out which one would be the easiest. If i could do the thumbcuffs then maybe i could do the hinged handcuffs on my wrists. i'd have to get back on the floor to undo my feet and time was running out!

i grunted and groaned loudly through the gag in my mouth as i tried to twist my hands around so i could do something! Anything! We had been careful putting the handcuffs and thumbcuffs on so that maybe i could reach the keyholes when the time came but i couldn't. i did everything i could but i couldn't reach anything. My eyes burned from lack of sleep. Sweat dripped off my nose. i was burning up in the jacket.

Frustration tormented me. i had to get loose!

"Errrahhh!" j said mimicking the sound of a buzzer. "Times up!"

i stopped and turned around in the chair to face her. i was defeated.

She smiled and offered, "Want another ten minutes?"

i nodded my heade vigorously and she told me to get going.

This time i tried to use my head. i would concentrate on the thumbcuffs first. If i could only get them i was sure that the rest would fall like a house of cards. "Ok 'vette, where is the key hole?" i felt around carefully with my finger and found the keyhole then i memorized where it felt like it was. i got the key turned and slowly tried to bring my other hand with the key to where my finger was holding my place above the keyhole. Couldn't turn my hand with the key that way. Fine, transfer the key to the hand that could reach the keyhole. Now where's the hole? Feel, feel, feel! Ok there! Now key, go in! Please key, just go in the hole. Please. Aghh! Handcuffs hurting my wrists! Please go in the hole. i put my head down on the table to try to concentrate harder! Come on body, twist, you can do it! Oh please don't let me go to bed like this! i need rest! Please, please, please! i need to get up tomorrow and do those pics for those people! Please let me be a good slave. i want to do it! Please, it isn't fair! Come on, dab nab it! Go in the hole! You piece of toe jam! Get in there!

i closed my eyes and concentrated. "Keys like holes don't they? please go in! Please. Be nice. i'll polish you! Make you look better than new! Come onnnn!...."

"Errrahhh!" j said mimicking the sound of a buzzer again.

Really, i was glad. i was tired of struggling. Fine! i sleep tied up! It's happened before, it will happen again! Get this gag outta my mouth and let me put it to bed!

"I'll give you ten more, if you..."

i interupted her by shaking my head "No". Emphatically!

"Ok.... Ready for bed then, I guess...."

Nod, "Yes."

She helped me to my feet. The cuffs dug in at my ancles, but i didn't care. She steadied me with my arm and i hopped my way to the bedroom and the bed. The gag was removed, j gave me a kiss, thanked me for her present from, her Master, and she swichted off the light.

Yes, i am sore and sleepy today! j made me lie in bed until 11:00, bless her heart and now i'm here at work. Whoever sent the request, i thank you. It did feel good laying in the bed completely defeated. The discomfort is the incentive to do, it can be taken in a good way or a bad way. i choose to take it the good way. i thank you. It was a night to remember! Giggle


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