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xxxx's piece

...but you can call me 'j'!

j's piece!

This is a happy site where I will relate my bondage happenings. us

You can read of my exploits and send mail to me through shevette.

WHAT'S HERE FOR ME: (why she's making me do this...)
I guess it's to help me put into words what I'm feeling so that she can guide me.
E V E N T S :
EVENT: MY STORY (with pictures): SHEVETTE'S STORY (with pictures):
Inocent shevette announces she's into bondage! j tries to "save" me
Maybe Not I go back to her place j wants more
BD at movies I dabble in exhibitionism My hand in the popcorn
My own set! I am timid The salesman almost passes out!
First BD fantasy My bad bro' j grows in her thinking
Christmas trip We have this bet in the car j losses, i win!
New use for clothes pins I experience pain in bondage j melts down on my carpet
C O M M E N T S : as of 1/1/98
So far I've discovered that bondage is a good thing. Lots of people do it. Some do it wrong and some right.

It is inside me, I don't understand it, and that's alright!

There's this edge thing where I am afraid to do all that I can, and that pushing this edge is great. Hopefully I'll never get to the point where I've done it all and that's great too -- as long as I keep trying new things, accepting what I do and, when I hit something that I don't like, not becoming afraid to keep going.

T H A N K - Y O U - S H E V E T T E ! ! !

NOTE: (from shevette)

"xxxx" or "j" as you told me wanted to be called, i'm glad that you have chosen/been given a slave name. It's not so bad, being a slave, and i think you've found that out. i think your attitude is much improved and you are opening up quite a bit.

i give you high marks! (Thus far!)

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