Rolled up on the Inside

by Pual Morehouse - [email protected]

Well today on the bus I saw something most interesting.  It was a thin guy wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt with his sleeved rolled up inside his shirt just short of the elbow.  Know what I mean?  Instead of folding his cuffs on the outside of his sleeves as he rolled them up, he instead had them rolled up inside his sleeves.  I have only seen this done a couple of times on black guys but never on a Hispanic. I wonder if sleeves folded up inside stay up longer than those rolled up on the outside.  He was wearing a white shirt, black dress pants and black dress shoes.  I was dying to ask him why he wore his shirt sleeves in this way but was afraid of a rough reply so did not.  Was most curious though.  Perhaps, I should try this.

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