Hanging Shirt Sleeves

by Paul Morehouse - [email protected]


Shirt sleeves and shirt cuffs have always been the first thing I notice on a man either in person or in the mass media.  The 2nd aspect I notice are the arms, and the third, how the shirt is being worn.  Smooth arms tend to interest me much more than hairy ones but the shirt and accompanying shirt sleeves will always attract my attention be they buttoned, hanging lose, or rolled up.  As you can probably guess by now, I like most things having to do with shirt sleeves.

I recall one time when I noticed the unbuttoned white shirt sleeves of an Arabic (I think Iranian) Ontario, California airport van driver who was transporting a group of us passengers in a shared ride van.  He was wearing a pair of dark grey dress slacks and a white patterned long sleeved button up shirt.  Later on after he had dropped off all the other passengers I was afforded a closer view of this man's shirt sleeves when he suddenly asked me to sit in the front next to him.  We began to talk and I took every opportunity I could to glance down at this gentleman's unbuttoned sleeves.  I wondered to myself why he wore them this way.  Was it because he was used to wearing those Arabic robes that have ride round sleeves or was it simply that he did not like the feel of tightly buttoned shirt sleeves snug against his arms and wrist?

At a point later on in the trip he pulled into a convenience store and I brought him a cola.  I experienced a little trouble inserting the straw through the lid if my drink and without asking he reached over and assisted me.  It was great having his unbuttoned sleeve (and wrist) brush up against mine as we managed to get the drinking straw to finally fit into the little hole in the lid.  I had another chance to fleetingly stroke his shirt when this handsome driver managed to get lost in Moreno Valley.  While he occasionally looked at the map, I was able to accidently brush against his shirt while pointing out certain landmarks.  The best was yet to occur though.

When we finally arrived at my destination he assisted me in transporting my luggage to the residence where I was staying and I got to watch his shirt sleeves move about his arms as he lifted the luggage from the back of the vehicle, to the ground, and later as he carried the suit cases and set them down by the door.  Afterwards, I tipped him and had the pleasure of firmly shaking his hand and wishing him the best of success (and I truly meant it too).  Even though I was not able to play with his shirt sleeves in or out of the water or massage his arms I count myself extremely lucky to have had this experience.  It was truly wonderful and I've had many a fantasy based on this real event.

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