Bassai Dai

Yoi. Shift the right foot to heisoku-dachi from shizentai and hold the right fist with the left hand, in front of the lower abdomen.

1. Swing both hands up to the left shoulder, lifting the right knee high to the north. Then moving north stamp the floor and executing right chudan uchi-uke, support it with the open left hand in kosa-dachi. Squeeze your arms together. The fingertips of the left hand should touch the right wrist.

2. Pivot counter clockwise on the right foot, and shift the left loot to the south; execute left chudan uchi-uke, in left zenkutsu-dachi.

3. As you are, twist the hips counter clockwise into gyaku-hanmi and execute right chudan uchi-uke.

4. Pivot clockwise on the left foot and shift the right foot; execute left chudan soto-uke in gyaku-hanmi to the north in right zenkutsu.

5. As you are, twist the hips counter clockwise into hanmi (oblique body position) and execute right chudan soto-uke.

6. Pivot clockwise on the left foot. Drawing the right foot back to the left foot and bending the knees deeply, turn to the east. Execute sukui-uke, moving the right arm from left to right to block a kick.

7. Shift the right foot forward; execute right chudan soto-uke in right zenkutsu-dachi.

8. As you are, execute left chudan uchi-uke in gyaku-hanmi.

9. Shift the left foot into heiko-dachi facing north. Pull both fists to the right hip, placing the left fist in a vertical position above and touching the palm side of the right fist.

10. Slowly extend the left hand, executing kakete.

11. Punch chudan with the right hand.

12. Twist the hips counter clockwise and block chudan with right uchi-uke.

13. Punch chudan with the left hand twisting the hips back to the forward position.

14. Twist the hips clockwise and block chudan with left uchi-uke.

15. Shift the right foot to the north, and execute right shuto-uke in left kokutsu-dachi.

16. Shift the left foot forward; execute left shuto-uke in right kokutsu-dachi.

17. Shift the right foot forward; execute right shuto-uke in left kokutsu-dachi.

18. Draw the right foot a step backward; execute left shuto-uke in right kokutsu-dachi.

19. Catch a jodan attack with the palm of the left hand. Then twist the hips counter clockwise and shift into left zenkutsu . Extend the open right hand forward to hook his attacking hand at the wrist ( kakete ). Pull his hand down until your tight arm is bent at a 9O degree angle. At the end of the technique, the tips of the fingers of the left hand should be almost touching the thumb side of the right wrist.

20. Pull the right knee to the chest between the arms. Then lowering the hips, kick his knee with sokuto ; and pull both your fists to the right side. The palm sides of the fists should face upward.

21. Moving the right foot north, execute left shuto-uke facing south in right kokutsu-dachi.

22. Shift the right foot to the south; execute right shuto-uke in left kokutsu-dachi.

23. As your opponent tries to grab your hair with both of his hands, shift your right leg back next to the left leg, drawing the body up. Drive his wrists upward, striking with the medial edges of your wrists ( jodan awase-uke).

24. Stepping forward with the right leg, stamp the floor. Hit both of his sides with kentsui ( hasami-uchi ).

25. Slide the right foot deeper; punch chudan with the right hand in right zenkutsu.

26. Pivot counter clockwise on the right foot and shift the left foot to face north. Attack his groin with right teisho pulling the left hand to the right ear in deep left zenkutsu.

27. Turning the body to face east, draw the left foot back next to the right foot. Pull the right fist back to jodan soto-uke position and extend the left fist to gedan barai position.

28. Pivot on the left foot and swing the right foot up to the north. Stamp the floor and swing the right hand down from over the head into gedan barai in kiba-dachi.

29. Toward the south, extend left kakete.

30. Kick the left palm with right mikazuki-geri.

31. Stamp the floor to the south; execute right mae-empi to the east, striking the left palm in kiba-dachi .

32. As you are, execute right gedan barai , pressing the inside of the elbow with the left fist.

33. As you are, execute left gedan barai , pulling the right fist to the left elbow. Press against the inside of the elbow.

34. As you are, again execute right gedan barai , pressing the inside of the elbow with the left fist.

35. Twist the hips and feet south. Execute yama-zuki ("L" punch), shifting your weight forward. Forearms should be parallel to each other and fists should be on the same vertical line. Imagine that your hair has been grabbed. You hit his arm from underneath using your left forearm. At the same time, your left fist strikes his face and your right fist hits his body.

36. Drawing the right loot back next to the left foot, pull both fists to the right hip in heisoku-dachi. The left fist should be vertical, resting above the palm side of the right fist.

37. Lift the left leg up high to block a kick, then stamp the floor to the south with it. Execute yama-zuki with the right hand striking his face and the left hand hitting his body, in left zenkutsu with both feet in the same line.

38. Draw the left foot back next to the right foot and pull both fists to the left hip in heisoku-dachi.

39. Lift the right leg up high to block a kick, then stamp the floor to the south. Execute yama-zuki with the left hand striking high and the right hand hitting low, in right zenkutsu.

40. Pivot counter clockwise on the right foot. Shift the left foot to the west in line with the right foot in left zenkutsu. Swing the arm out from the side, blocking a kick with the radial (thumb) side of the forearm. Then using the elbow as a fulcrum point, twist and swing the forearm parallel with the floor. The ventral (palm) side of the arm should face upward.

41. Shift your weight to the right leg, and twist the hips. Block a kick from the north with the left arm. Swing the left arm out from the side and block a kick from the north using the radial side of the forearm. Then using the elbow as a fulcrum point, twist and swing the forearm parallel with the floor. The ventral side of the arm should face upward.

42. Shift the left foot a half step to the east. Then shifting the right foot to the Northeast, execute right shuto-uke in left kokutsu.

43. While looking to the north-west, pivot clockwise on the left foot and shift the right foot to the south-east into another left kokutsu. Maintain shuto-uke rotating the right arm with the body so that the arm and leg remain aligned and end up pointing south-east.

44. Pull the right foot to just behind the left heel. Then shift the left foot to the north-west; execute left shuto-uke in right kokutsu.

Yame. Draw the left loot back to the right foot in heisoku-dachi and return to the starting position.

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