Heian Godan


1. Look to your left, slide left foot to your left into kokutsu dachi while executing a chudan ude-uke with your left hand.

2. Immediatly after the block follow up with a right hand gyaku-tsuki while remaining in kokutsu dachi.

3. Look east over your right shoulder and slowly draw your right foot to your left foot while moving your left hand into the "flowing water" position. This position has the left hand in front and parallel to your body about an inch in front of it and with a slight down angle. Right fist at the hip. A drop of water on your left shoulder should "flow" down your arm so it lands on your right fist.

4. Slide your right foot east into kokutsu dachi while executing a chudan ude-uke with your right hand.

5. Follow up with a left hand gyaku-tsuki while remaining in kokutsu dachi.

6. Look north. Slowly draw your left foot to your right foot while moving your right hand into the "flowing water" position. 7. Step north with your right leg into kokutsu dachi while executing chudan morote-uke with your right hand supported by your left hand.

8. Step forward into zenkutsu dachi while executing a gedan juji-uke (cross handed block)with right hand over left hand. 9. Withdraw your hands and force them upwards into a jodan juji-uke (cross open handed block).

10. Pull your hands to your right hip while rotating your hands palm to palm so your right hand ends with palm facing up near your hip and your left hand on top of it, palm facing down, palm to palm.

Standard bunkai:
The attacker attacks with a mae-geri which you block with the first cross block. Seeing your open face so close and inviting he follows with a fist attack to your face which you must quickly block, grasp and pull to unbalance him and prevent further attacks.

11. Attack with chudan tsuki with your left fist, right hand closes to a fist at your right hip.

12. Step forward with your right leg into zenkutsu dachi and execute a right hand oi-tsuki.


13. Draw your right leg towards your left leg while raising your knee and stomp strongly towards the south into kiba-dachi while executing a gedan barai with your right hand. The rotation is counter clockwise (CCW) on your left leg. Your hips and chest face east in kiba-dachi while you look south.

14. Look north. Slowly extend an open left hand to the north. Right hand a closed fist at your right hip. Left hand palm faces east.

15. Kick mikazuki-geri with your right leg into your open left hand.

16. While lowering your right leg into kiba-dachi attack with your right elbow into your open left hand.

17. Look to the north. Shift your weight completely to your right foot slide your left foot so it rests lightly behind the right foot. Execute chudan morote-uke to the north with your right hand. I believe this stance is called kosa-dachi .

18. Look to the south. Straighten your right leg and drive your right fist upwards while keeping your left hand in contact with it.

Standard bunkai:
After blocking an middle level attack from your opponent with the morote-uke you drive your fist into his chin.

19. Jump high and south. Turn 180 degrees CCW in air while moving both fists to a position near your hips. Land on your right foot facing east with your left foot resting lightly behind your right foot and execute a low level two handed cross block ( gedan juji-uke ). Your hips and the block should be as low as possible. kosa-dachi.

KIAI when jumping.

Standard bunkai:
A new attacker sweeps a stick at your knee, you jump high to clear the sweep, grab his head, and force it to the ground.

20. Step south with your right foot into zenkutsu dachi while executing a chudan morote-uke with your right hand.

21. Look north. Shift your body into a north facing zenkutsu dachi while thrusting a right open hand forward and down, palm facing up and your open left hand above your shoulder,palm facing up.

22. Pull your left leg slightly backwards into kokutsu dachi while executing a ripping motion with your hands. Your left hand moves down into a gedan barai position and your right hand is pulled back so your fist is behind your head, pointing up with the elbow slightly higher than your shoulder. (Closed fists)

Standard bunkai:
When someone attacks you with a mae-geri you "slide" it on your thrusted right hand. You then trap it with your right hand and throw the opponent by pulling his leg up and towards you with your right hand and pushing his head down and away with your left hand.

23. Withdraw your left left to near your right leg, standing in a feet together stance, looking north with chest and hips facing east.

24. Slide your right leg forward into a zenkutsu dachi while thrusting your open left hand down and forward, palm up, and your right hand above your shoulder, palm up.

25. Pull your right leg slightly backwards into kokutsu dachi while executing a ripping motion with yours hands. Right hand into gedan barai position and left hand up and behind your head.

Yame. Withdraw your right leg into natural stance.


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