Heian Sandan


1. Look West, step into hidari kokutsu dachi, while executing a hidari chudan ude-uke .

2. Step forward into heisoku-dachi, and simultaneously execute a hidari gedan barai and a migi chudan ude-uke, ensuring that the arms cross before blocking.

3. Bringing the arms across one another in the process, simultaneously execute a hidari chudan ude-uke and a migi gedan barai.

4. Look east, step into migi kokutsu dachi, while executing a migi chudan ude-uke.

5. Step forward into heisoku-dachi , and simultaneously execute a migi gedan barai and a hidari chudan ude-uke, ensuring that the arms cross before blocking.

6. Bringing the arms across one another in the process, simultaneously execute a migi chudan ude-uke and a hidari gedan barai.

7. Look North, step forward into hidari kokutsu dachi, while executing a hidari morote uke.

8. Step forward into migi zenkutsu dachi, while executing a migi nukite.

9. Rotate the hips counter-clockwise, bring the right arm behind your back, and turn 270 degrees into kiba-dachi facing East, while executing a hidari chudan zuki.

10. Look North, step forward into migi zenkutsu dachi, while executing a migi oi-tsuki. KIAI.

11. Slowly step forward into heisoku-dachi, turn 180 degrees counter-clockwise, to face South. Bring the arms up so that the fists are chambered on the hips.

12. Bringing the right leg up, rotate the hips 90 degrees counterclockwise and execute a migi fumikomi, ending up in kiba-dachi. The torso should be facing East, but your head (and your right leg) should be facing South.

13. Bringing the right arm across the body, execute a migi kentsui-uchi. Re-chamber the right hand at the right hip.

14. Bringing the right leg up, rotate the hips 90 degrees counterclockwise and execute a hidari fumikomi, ending up in kiba-dachi. The torso should be facing West, but your head (and your right leg) should be facing North.

15. Bringing the right arm across the body, execute a hidari kentsui-uchi. Re-chamber the left hand at the left hip.

16. Bringing the right leg up, rotate the hips 90 degrees counterclockwise and execute a migi fumikomi, ending up in kiba-dachi. The torso should be facing East, but your head (and your right leg) should be facing South.

17. Bringing the right arm across the body, execute a migi kentsui-uchi. Re-chamber the right hand at the right hip.

18. Bringing the right arm across the body, slowly extend the right hand out to the South while drawing the left arm back against the left hip.

19. Still looking South, step out into hidari zenkutsu dachi, while executing a hidari oi-tsuki.

20. Bring the right leg up next to the left, then rotate hips 180 degrees counter-clockwise, ending up in kiba-dachi, facing North. Simultaneously retract the left hand while striking over the left shoulder with the right fist.

21. Shifting weight to the right leg, simultaneouly retract the right hand, while striking over the right shoulder with the left fist.


Yame. Withdraw your right leg into natural stance.


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