
Yoi. In heisoku-dachi stance close the left hand on the right fist placing them at jodan level.

1. Draw the left foot backward; execute right chudan soto-uke and left gedan barai in right zenkutsu-dachi to north.

2. Moving in left zenkutsu-dachi to north-west execute kakiwake.

3. Right chudan mae-geri to north-west.

4. Drop in right zenkutsu-dachi to north-west executing right chudan oi-tsuki.

5. Left chudan gyaku-tsuki.

6. Right chudan oi-tsuki.

7. Execute kakiwake while shifting the right foot to northeast in right zenkutsu-dachi.

8. Left chudan mae-geri to northeast.

9. Drop in left zenkutsu-dachi to north-east executing left chudan oi-tsuki.

10. Right chudan gyaku-tsuki.

11. Left chudan oi-tsuki.

12. While shifting the left foot to left zenkutsu-dachi to north raise the right open hand to jodan and then perform left jodan age-uke.

13. Right chudan oi-tsuki.

14. Step to north in right zenkutsu-dachi while raising the left open hand to jodan and then performing right jodan age-uke.

15. Left chudan oi-tsuki.

16. Step to north in left zenkutsu-dachi while raising the right open hand to jodan and then performing left jodan age-uke.

17. Step to north in right zenkutsu-dachi and execute right oi-tsuki. KIAI.

18. Left gedan barai and right jodan uchi-uke to the east in kokutsu-dachi turning 270 degrees counter clockwise on the right foot.

19. Execute right kagi-tsuki shifting to kiba-dachi to east by a yori-ashi.

20. Execute right gedan barai and left jodan uchi-uke to the east in kokutsu-dachi.

21. Execute left kagi-tsuki shifting to kiba-dachi to west by a yori-ashi.

22. Gedan barai in left zenkutsu-dachi to the south shifting the left foot.

23. Right chudan teisho yoko-uke stepping in kiba-dachi to south.

24. Left chudan teisho yoko-uke stepping in kiba-dachi to south.

25. Right chudan teisho yoko-uke stepping in kiba-dachi to south.

26. Left gedan barai and right jodan uchi-uke in kokutsu-dachi to west by turning 270 degrees counter clockwise on the right foot.

27. Left jodan morote-uke in heisoku-dachi moving the right foot near the left.

28. Right gedan barai and left jodan uchi-uke shifting the right foot to left kokutsu-dachi.

29. Right jodan morote-uke in heisoku-dachi moving the left foot near the right.

30. Gedan kakiwake to the sides by crossing the arms in front of the chest.

31. Gedan juji-uke to north stamping the foot in right kosa-dachi.

32. Gedan kakiwake changing the stance to right zenkutsu-dachi by drawing the left foot back.

33. Step to north in left zenkutsu-dachi and execute chudan kaki-wake-uke.

34. Jodan juji-uke to north stepping in right zenkutsu-dachi.

35. Right jodan uraken-uchi pulling the left fist next to the left ear.

36. Chudan-barai with the left hand pulling the right fist near the right ear.

37. Right jodan ura-zuki with the left fist placed under the right elbow.

38. Left uchi-uke to east in left zenkutsu-dachi by turning 270 degrees counter clockwise on the right foot.

39. Right oi-tsuki. stepping in right zenkutsu-dachi to east.

40. Right uchi-uke to west in right zenkutsu-dachi by turning 180 degrees clockwise on the left foot.

41. Left oi-tsuki. stepping in left zenkutsu-dachi to west.

42. Gedan barai in left zenkutsu-dachi to the south shifting the left foot.

43. Right chudan uchi-otoshi raising the right foot and then stamping it in kiba-dachi to south.

44. Left chudan uchi-otoshi raising the left foot and then stamping it in kiba-dachi to south.

45. Right chudan uchi-otoshi raising the right foot and then stamping it in kiba-dachi to south.

46. Turning 270 degrees counter clockwise on the right foot bring up the right hand with its back near the left side of your face, then execute left chudan tsuki while retracting the right fist near the right nipple in kiba-dachi to west.

47. Bring up the left hand with its back near the right side of your face, then execute right chudan tsuki while retracting the left fist near the left nipple and moving yori-ashi in kiba-dachi to east. KIAI.

Yame. Return to heisoku-dachi drawing the right foot and closing the left hand on the right fist at jodan level.

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