Rhinology/Allergy pages
Septal perforation repair
The septum is to the left.  This is a left nasal cavity.  The white oval is a septal perforation which has been "filled in" with a graft.
Septal perforation measuring 1.5cm in diameter after alloderm is placed into the defect via a septoplasty incision.  A flap of mucosa was turned on the opposite side to cover the "fascia" side of the dermis.
This is the same patient as above.  The white oval now has red streaks which are new blood vessels.  The pink area is mucosa.
The same perforation as above at two weeks following repair with Alloderm, an allograft material.  Note the ingrowth of vascular tissue onto the graft material.
Septal perforations can be fairly sizeable, as this picture demonstrates.  This patient complained of nasal obstruction despite a wide open nasal passage.
The same patient as above seen intraoperatively with a large sheet of Alloderm exposed on one side.
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