Gang Jerd - Plain Broth Soup

1 large cucumber, peeled, halved, deseeded and cut into chunks
1 cup ground pork or turkey mixed with the following:

1 scallion, sliced thinly
1-2 tbsp fish sauce
1/2 tsp ground white pepper
1-2 tsp garlic powder

3-4 cups chicken broth
3-4 tbsps fish sauce

1. In large sauce pan bring liquid to a boil.
2. Form ground meat mixture into small meatballs and drop into pot.
3. Follow meatballs with cucumber, boil until starting to translucence.
4. Flavor with fish sauce, sprinkle additional scallions before serving.

Note: Various other vegetables and meats can be substituted, ie. bitter melon, pickled mustard greens, stuffed squid, stewing beef, etc.

Copyright � J. T. Hill 1999
No commercial reprint without express permission of author

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