My Trip to Ocean City

My trip to Ocean City was so cool! Erm... occasionally. There were a few complications along the way, though. First off the traffic was terrible. It jammed even before we were halfway there. So, we decided maybe we'll try Ocean City some other time and go somewhere else in Delaware. Rehoboth Beach was our new destination. However, that place was really crowded and we couldn't find a place to camp. We drove and drove and drove... and we ended up in a place near Ocean City anyways so what the heck? But, the traffic was still jammed along the island and we had a hard time finding a campground. Finally, an information lady told us there was a campground called Treasure Beach that had spaces available. The problem was, it was hard to find, and we... got lost, and had to stop at a gas station to borrow their phone to call the place. Now, Treasure Beach was mainly an RV park so their camping facilities weren't very impressive, but since everywhere else was full, having a picnic table and an open space was very inviting.

My family's already tried to crab a few times... without much success. But we thought our chances were better since we were at the ocean. Treasure Beach had a pier made especially for crabbing, so we got out our traps and nets and set out. There were quite a few crabs there, but they were fairly small. What amazed me most was that we accidentally caught an eel!! It had come for the crab bait in one of our traps and when my dad brought it above the water, it was caught inside. *shudder* It seriously looked like a snake and we were afraid to touch it. But most Asians pretty much eat anything and my mom said she had eaten it before and it tasted pretty good. When we got back home we cooked the eel and ate it... most of it anyways. I've found that I really should not see something alive before I eat it. Eugh. The flavor did not penetrate the eel meat and its texture was really disgusting: very thick and a little too chewy for my liking. That's the last time I eat that kind of eel. The crabs we cooked tasted much better though not really filling.

The weather there seemed very irregular. First it would drizzle slightly; then stop; then POUR!! Every time it rained really hard we had to run back inside our van. At least we made it through the night. We visited the Ocean City the next day. THEY HAVE WHITE FIRE HYDRANTS!!! What will they think of next? We didn't do much sight-seeing. Just strolled on the beach for a while. Maybe we'll try going there again some other time...

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