This page is for the poet that should be in all warriors. poetry is not just rhyming, it's a way to portray feelings and emotions. in martial arts speak it is; "know yourself and no thine enemy.

Some wont like it. I don't care, it's not for you, it's for those who do understand. If you have something you want to share, e-mail it to me and I will get it on the page. Sijo Bruce

Thrown to the Wolves

IIn a two door garage just across from the green
Lay a small pack of wolves that are vicious and mean

You can't tell at first site, they are quiet and humble
But come across them in a fight and at their feet you will crumble

Most don't want to play because they don't play nice
Sometimes they use fists, other times they use knives

One day they are training and they hear some dumbass say
"I know how to fight" and throws a challenge their way

Now, most would be frightened, but oh no not this bunch
Their jaws drip with saliva at the sweet scent of lunch

They fight amongst themselves over who gets first dibs
Because no one wants the dried up leftovers stuck to his broken ribs

Finally its decided and the lucky wolf is chosen
Like a deer caught in headlights, dumbass stands there frozen

With the door locked down behind, he knows he's running out of time
Suddenly a million thoughts start racing through his mind

"Oh my god, what was I thinking, what am I doing in this place?
These psychos use these tiny gloves and nothing to protect their face!"

"Oh my god, they are for real, I was wrong to call them out
They use no fancy art, fighting is all they are about!"

"And maybe I have a strong reverse punch which has broke a lot of boards
And yes I have a lot of trophies won by all my fancy forms"

"But I've never applied it on a resisting person, pads is all we hit
I'm starting to get the feeling that all these years I've been teaching shit!"

Before he can have another thought, the hungry wolf is in his face
Landing ferocious head-butts and elbows, spraying his blood all over the place

The wolf howls in rage, "I'm gonna take off your fuckin' head!"
100 skip knees later, it's safe to say dumbass is dead

However, he has one final thought while the world fades to black
"I really am a DUMBASS, I never should have fucked with the pack."

This was directed to no one particular person, just a group of people I don't care for. You could be an instructor who hides behind his rank, an instructor who teaches watered-down bullshit to make a pretty penny, an instructor who claims he teaches "self-defense" but has never tested it in the realms of full contact, or just your average Joe who thinks he's a bad ass. If you fall into any of these categories, your days are numbered. Sooner or later your skill will be put to the test and you will find out just like Mr. Dumbass did that you don't know shit about fighting. Oh, and by all means, if you don't agree with any of the above, you are more than welcome to stop by class anytime......... We are always looking for fresh meat.

Sigung Mike Stadshaug



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