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Part of the catacombs.   <>< The God Of The Catacombs ><>
        As dusk settled over the land, Micah was headed for the secret entrance which he has used for the past several years.  Suddenly he heard the faint sounds of hurried footsteps behind him.  Fear arose in Micah and his whole body tensed for a confrontation.  He was so frightened that he dared not look behind him.  Increasing his pace, he prayed silently to God for protection.  The footsteps came closer --- and closer.  Micah was almost paralyzed by fear, when he heard a voice directly behind him.  Instantly the tenseness flowed out of his body as he recognized the voice of his friend, Jacob.
        “We'd better hurry, Micah.  We're gonna miss the services.”
        “Yes, I know, Jacob.”
        Jacob, catching his breath, complained, “I wish we didn't have to keep changing our day of worship.  I keep getting mixed up, and I sure was embarrassed that one time we both showed up the day after the services!”
        “Well, you know we have to keep changing, Jacob.  It's been that way ever since they made it a crime to worship Jesus.”  Sadly Jacob nodded.
        Micah and Jacob reached the secret entrance.  Both of them glanced around in all directions and then quickly entered through the portal.  They walked a short distance down the winding tunnel to arrive at the large chamber where their fellow Christians were gathered.  Jacob commented as they entered the chamber, “I still remember the day we had to take our religion underground.  It was April 21, 2005.....”
        Interrupting, Micah added, “I remember that.  I remember that very well.  Valerie and I were preparing for the picnic with you and Abby.  Don't you remember?”

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        “Come on, Micah, let's hurry.  We're gonna be late.”  It seemed to Valerie as if she had been rushing her husband all morning.
        “All right.  I'm coming,” Micah responded as he was carrying two large baskets out of the kitchen.
        “Did you get the ice chests, Micah?”
        “Already in the back of the van, dear.”
        “All right; let's go!” Valerie urged as she was getting into the passenger side.
        Opening the driver's side door, Micah chuckled, “It's not like they'll leave without us.  We have the van!”
        Pulling out of the driveway, Micah turned on the radio to their favorite Christian music station.  When they arrived at Jacob and Abby's house, they saw theirs friends standing out front with their bags and their share of the picnic goodies sitting on the curb.
        “Hey, Jacob.  You ready to go?” Micah yelled back as Jacob was putting their bags into the van.
        “You bet.  I'm not gonna let you eat all of Valerie's pies by yourself!”

        .... ....  “We interrupt our regular programming for a special Presidential address.”
        “I wonder what bright idea ‘nature boy’ has come up with now,” scoffed Jacob.
        As the van pulled away from the curb, Abby chided, “You boys be quiet so we can find out!”  The president's voice sounded tinny, and a little strained over the inept little car radio speaker.
        “My fellow Americans.  As you know, we have suffered through a profusion of religious violence generated by the intolerance of the various religious groups towards one another.  The fanaticism has reached destructive proportions.  There have been numerous church bombings and burnings over the course of the last few years.  Several religious leaders have vied for public office.  In this land we have traditionally had separation of church and state.  That course of action has apparently failed, and has also added fuel to the flames of religious disorder in this country.  We are losing control of our society.  Change is inescapable if we are to survive as a country.
        “For the past year and a half congress and I have been working behind closed doors to devise a solution.  A myriad of experts were consulted and diverse suggested plans have been thought through and then rejected.  After intense debating, we have finally shaped a bill which was approved by ninety-three percent of the congressional vote.  We are pleased to present this new bill from congress which I am signing into law today.  It will take effect immediately and shall be known as ‘Law of Divine Service’.
        “Working with the major religious leaders, we have, with this Law of Divine Service, meditated a religion which shall be acceptable to all Americans.  Any religious activities, outside of those delineated in this law, are hereby outlawed.  In order to bring about peace, we are compelled to strictly enforce this new law.  Anyone caught violating the rules and regulations of the religion known as Law of Divine Service will be prosecuted severely.  We, in conjunction with the CIA and the FBI, have created a unit of Law of Divine Service agents who shall police the populous and arrest the violators.
        “The Law of Divine Service agency has appointed ministers to every city and town throughout the land.  Each minister has been assigned geographical boundaries.  You must go to the office of Law of Divine Service to determine the minister for your geographical boundary.  There shall also be Law of Divine Service agents in every embassy of the countries where our citizens are allowed to travel.  This is for your convenience.  They are there to assist you whenever and however needed.
        All religious activities other than those organized by the office of Law of Divine Service, are forbidden and shall henceforth be deemed in violation of federal law.  All ministerial licensing and certificates of other religious organizations are now suspended.  Anyone found in possession of these outlawed documents shall be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
        “The government understands that there will be some rebellion and a degree of chaos in the first few months of the implementation of the Law of Divine Service.  But with the backing of the governmental military forces, Law of Divine Service agents will soon bring order to this tumultuous situation.....   .....   ....
        “This is your president asking that all of you cooperate fully with us in our attempt to bring about religious peace and order within our nation......”
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        Jacob recalled, “Yeah, I remember.  It almost spoiled our outing.  Now we have peace and order -- according to government propaganda.  There is a Law of Divine Service office in every neighborhood.  The rules and regulations are posted on the outside of the offices for all of us to read.  You know -- just in case we have any doubts about what the law is!”
        “Sure, I know, Jacob.  How about when Bobby broke the glass that framed the law posted outside our neighborhood's Law of Divine Service office?”
        “Oh yeah.  Agents took him away and we didn't see him for six months.  When he came back, he was like a zombie.  Now he doesn't say much more than ‘Good morning’ and ‘Good afternoon’.  He's just not the same ol’ Bobby.  Now he only answers to ‘Robert’, and no one trusts him anymore.”
        “Yes, I know.  They are afraid of him.  I am too.” Micah sighed.
        “Well, we're all afraid of him, Micah.  Ever since that day Abby saw Bobby on the street corner talking with your wife.  It was just two days later that the Law of Divine Service agents arrested your beloved Valerie.  That was seven months ago, and nothing has been heard of her since.”
        Micah replied sadly, “Jacob, I'm aware of every second since my wife was taken away.  But there is still hope.  The government may think they are the ones in control, but you and I know that Jesus is the only one who is truly in control....”
                 ** to be continued... 

        ~ ~ Simon A. West
            © 27 May, Two Thousand      CrossDaily.com

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 Copyright 1999, 2002  ~ ~ Simon West

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