Below is Part One.  Please see the Sassy Archives   for the other parts.

*~ Sassy ~* Sassy, during a quiet moment.

&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& ~Sassy~ &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&

From the journals of J.Ricky Bonney and his wife, Sarsaparilla Sue Bonney

        Don't ask how I came to possess these journals; let's just say I have them.  Before I tell you the tales in these journals, I would like to give some background information on J.Ricky and Sarsaparilla (called Sassy for short).  J.Ricky and Sassy are both Presbyterian ministers.  They live and work in Meade, Kansas ~ well, they live just outside of Meade ~ raising chickens, a goat and doing a little truck farming.  It's kind of strange having both man and wife being the minister.  The townsfolk say sometimes you don't know who's doin' the preachin'!  They do it, however, and have led several souls to Jesus.  Well, it's in their journals.  J.Ricky and Sassy are counselin', baptizin', evangelizin', sermonizin', and takin'
names!  - - -   We first meet the Bonneys at their farm just after breakfast....

Part One:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~         Missionary Encounter        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Pushing back from the breakfast table, J.Ricky said, “Those were mighty fine biscuits, Sassy.”
        "Well, you could've helped make 'em."
        "You mean after I fed the chickens, took care of the goat, and looked after the garden vegetables?  Oh, by the way, the watermelon and cantaloupe seedlings are comin' along fine.  We're gonna have a great crop this year, Sassy.  As for helpin' you with the biscuits, why, Sassy, you know I'd never want to take any of your glory away from you.  Heh, heh, heh."
        Sassy started to reply when they heard a knock at the door.  From his chair, J.Ricky could see through the living room to the front door.  Through the screen he saw two men on his porch.  "There are two young men out there, Sassy."
        "Is it the Hendricks boys?  I have some chores for them to do.  They wanted to earn a little bit of spending money."
        "No, it's two FINE lookin' boys.  What do ya suppose they want, Sassy?"
        "I don't know, J.Ricky!  Go ask 'em in for coffee.  I still have a few biscuits left."
        J.Ricky got up and went to greet the two strangers at the door.
        "Good morning, Sir.  We have a wonderful message to share with you about Jesus. May we come in and speak with you?"
        J.Ricky smiled, "Sure, come on in.  I always enjoy talkin' about Jesus.  Come on into the kitchen.  We'll talk in there.  Sassy's got some coffee and biscuits.  Her biscuits are the best in the whole state."
        The taller young man smiled and said, "Well, thank you.  But could you make that Kool-Aid or water?  We don't drink coffee."
        "Sure, no trouble at all."  J.Ricky grinned as he walked back into the kitchen.  He knows Sassy's gonna blow a gasket when she sees who these guys are.
        In the kitchen Sassy was getting ready to bake J.Ricky's birthday cake.  She set the bowl of flour on top of the refrigerator to make room for the guests.
        J.Ricky led the two visitors into the kitchen, "Sit yourselves down here."
        As Sassy turned around, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as her eyes focused on the black badges, which were pinned to the front of their dark suits.
        "They don't want any coffee, Sassy, but they'd like some Kool-Aid."
        Sassy, stammering a bit, answered, “Well, I think I have some lemonade in the refrigerator.”  As she opened the refrigerator door, the mixing bowl full of flour came tumbling down on her head.  Sassy, looking like a specter from a grade B movie, grimaced as she heard J.Ricky and the two young men snickering faintly.
        One of the young men, ignoring the flour that had covered Sassy, said, "Uh ...  we're here to give you a wonderful message about Jesus and his ancient visit to this continent."
        Sassy's eyes narrowed and she muttered, "Uh-huh," as she dusted the flour out of her hair.

        --  more later on the adventures of J.Ricky Bonney and his wife, Sassy.
                ~ ~ Simon A. West
                    ©  December, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Seven

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Please see the *Sassy* Archives   for the other parts.


This page last modified: June, 2003.                  Email Simon

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