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Angel of God Have I Seen God ?

        Have I seen God?  Yes, I have.  Through out this world I can see the pure majestic nature of God’s Spirit.   As the world turns and travels in its orbit, and with the coming and going of every season, God is there.  I hear God’s song in the babbling brook of melting snow.  I see God and His glory in the meadow, when spring flowers bloom.  As the summer sun shines down on me, I feel the warmth God has given to the earth.  I hear God’s footsteps echoing through the mountain valleys.  I smell the fragrance of God as flowers give forth their perfume.  I hear God’s whisper in the dust devils drifting through the desert.  I see the presence of God when the wheat waves in the wind and the corn stands high.  I hear rustling as God walks through the fallen leaves of autumn.  In the winter, when the snow has covered the wooded hills, one can rise early and see God’s handy work in the early morning light.  His eternal holiness is evident as the winter snows blanket the landscapes where no man has walked.
        God is indeed everywhere.  In the deepest part of the wilderness --  as a raindrop nourishes a wildflower  --  as a leaf falls from a tree --  as a snowflake drifts toward the earth ----  God is standing there.  If one should leap into the surrounding cosmos, one could witness God’s artistic nature.  From the smallest atom to the grandest expanses of space, you can see God’s hand.

        I feel the presence of God in all of life.  I have seen His work in the healing and salvation of mankind.  Where ever there is a miracle, there is God.  You can see God in the triumphant struggles of soldiers at war.  You can see God in their victory and in their defeat.  When the laborer toils and gives his all to the task at hand -- there is God.
        Through all life’s endeavors I have seen God.  I see God in the lives of those around me, and in the deaths of those I have known.  Man experiences joy and happiness - successes and triumphs - sadness and tears - loss and defeat --- and in all of ttheese, there is God.
        I saw God the day my wife said yes to my proposal.  I felt God the day we were married.  I sensed God at the birth of each one of my children.  I communed with God when my children conquered their various illness -- from simple colds to tumors and heart problems.
        Throughout my life God has always been there, even when I wasn’t aware.  Sometimes God is bold and sometimes He is subtle -- but He is always there.  When I am a little older and my body is stiff and cumbersome, and my time on this earth is done --  I shall lie myself down upon my bed to sleep and I shall awaken to a new world.  I will walk up to Him whom I have heard and felt all my life.  Then I will touch His face and be embraced by God’s eternal love.

         ~ ~  Simon West
                © 6 November, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Nine

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