
 ~*~ I Remember ~*~
Just as the rain gives drink to the earth;
    Just as the sun gives warmth and light to all;
Just as the wind cleans the air and leaves it refreshed;
    Just as night brings rest and comfort to all the world;
I am healed, comforted, and taught. I am cared for.

A man loves me --- yet He is more than a man.
    He walked this earth teaching and caring for all.
He fed those around Him. He cried for them too.
    He forgave His enemies and taught all men to do the same.
One day while out in the world, He walked into a garden.

He walked in the garden -- to a private place .
    He looked up into the Heavens -- and He prayed.
He took on all the sins of man -- and He suffered.
    He was taken from the garden -- falsely accused and beaten.
With each drop of blood, He gave to man healing grace.

Then He walked up a hill. He turned and faced the world.
    He looked with compassion, deep into all our eyes -- and our hearts.
He promised He would come back for us. He said “I love you.”
    Then with a gesture only He could make, He showed us how much.
He stretched out His arms. He was lifted up and then He died for us.

His name is Jesus, and when I am in my garden, I remember.
    I remember His garden; I remember the hill He walked up;
I remember His mercy; I remember His Grace; I remember His sacrifice;
    I remember His love; I remember the banquet He promised;
I remember He is coming back and He is going to take us home.

    ~ ~ Simon West
         ©  3 December, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight
  Copyright 1998, 2002  ~ ~ Simon West
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