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        Wind and rain; snow and ice; the dry hot sun  --  troubles surround me.  My enemies are poised to devastate me.  Illness and death have visited my family.  Oh God, why have You forsaken me?  Why have You left me alone when troubles have surrounded me?  Is it some great sin I have committed? Have I displeased Thee?  Thou art My Heavenly Father.  Where were You when I needed you most?
        I hear these questions many times when trouble visits someone.  - - I have asked these questions myself..  I now know some of the answers. Please may I share what I have learned with you?    ==    Heavenly Father sends the wind and rain to nourish the earth. The seasons recycle the air and till the soil.  Troubles come so you might learn.  Enemies surround you so you might grow in faith.  Illness and death come so you will learn to trust your Heavenly Father.  Your Heavenly Father loves you so much that when you need Him most -- He is already there.  He was there before you were born with His hands outstretched, waiting for your time of need.
        A Savior was sent to you, to give you the light to find your way Home.  He gave you the Holy Spirit to inspire you.  He caused the prophets  of old to make a record of what they had learned.  He inspired others to gather  these writings together into a book -- a book called the Holy Bible.  In it there is  wisdom to help guide you along your way.  As you read it you learn to have faith  in God, hope in the promises God has made to you, and you learn how to love  your fellowman as well as you love yourself and you learn how to love your  Heavenly Father.
        When we are fearful of the times; when we mourn the trials that come our way; when we wonder where Heavenly Father is -- we have forgotten our faith.  For you see, Heavenly Father never left.  We became frightened and ran away -- when all we needed to do was snuggle in His open arms.

        ~ ~ Simon West
                ©  18 July, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight

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