
~~ Realm of Darkness ~~

     I was born a faint few breaths before the stroke of midnight.  My mother was attending a spectacular New Year’s Eve party and amongst the effulgent lights and glitter I chose that precise moment to greet the world.  Snuggled close to my mother’s breast I attended one glamorous festivity after another.  By the time I reached puberty I had come to believe that this was the way of life.  By the time adulthood dropped its mantle over me, I was well experienced in the grandeur and pageantry of artificial lights.
     I left my mother’s side to make my own way in the world.  No thought was given of permanent relationships, for I mistook the fleeting gratifications of shallow camaraderie for enduring friendships.  I remember a handful of acquaintances who desired my friendship, but they never attended my gala events.  I recall one evening long ago when I chased them far from me.  I accused them of not wanting to be my friends, but rather wishing to bathe in the brilliant lights of my illustrious life.  I laughed them to scorn when they claimed they needed not my light, for they had their own.  They spoke the name of One I knew not and said that He was the giver of light.  My mirth echoed from the walls as they left my corridors, never to return.  Scoffing at those who spoke of the name of light, I turned towards the sounds of my latest banquet.  For the briefest of moments while moving down the hallway, I almost mourned their absence.  But the festive lights chased away their memory.  Never once have my lips spoken of the One who is light.
      Life for me was one brightly lit gala after another.  For the thirty years of my life I had been surrounded by brilliant lights and glittering pageantry.  To celebrate my thirtieth birthday those around me put together the grandest affair I had ever attended.  Dazzling lights flashing in a rainbow of colors surrounded a rooftop filled with the sounds of my jubilant comrades.  I remember savoring the wine, and reflecting that it was the finest which had ever graced my lips.  As I gazed at the ruby hue of the wine and bathed my soul in its magnificent bouquet, I proclaimed this to indeed be the elixir of life.  I observed the potential feminine playmates at my party and commented to the fellow at my side, that of all the women who have attended my get-togethers, these were indeed the most sumptuous and enchanting of them all.  I became enthralled as the glittering lights danced in the fabric of their gowns.  While strolling among the guests, I surveyed the shining and silken physiques of these females and began mentally separating out the ones I would be embracing later as the evening wore on.
     Awakening from my wine induced revelry, I heard a distant wailing which seemed to come from beyond the lights.  I paused near the edge of the roof to seek the source of this mournful whine.  The resonance became louder, as if it were the growling of some ferocious beast.  I felt a tugging at my clothes and realized that the howling was the quickened stirring of the night air.  Fear brought sobriety to my being as icy fingers seemed to pick me up and cast me from the brightly lit roof into the surrounding night.  I felt myself plunging through the darkness.  Struggling during my descent, I turned over and watched as I plummeted to the brick-paved street below.  I struck the ground, and the essence which had been my life seeped out through the multiple gashes in my broken body into the cracks and crevices between the bricks. The brilliantly colored lights which had once surrounded me turned into one circle of light that grew fainter while my life force sank deeper into the earth, beneath the brick-paved street.  Murky and more dismal my surroundings grew until I found myself in a place where darkness is at home.  The laughter of elegantly gowned women and the tinkling of the finest wine goblets were replaced by a forlorn dissonance coming from dark shadows drifting in this cloak of blackness which had enveloped me.
     Time now seems to have no meaning for me, save that it seems to go on forever.  Now I am surrounded by what I have feared most.  I dwell in the essence of a thousand nightmares.  I am imprisoned in that shadowy substance which frightens the timid heart.  I am tormented by the eternal terror that causes the strongest of men to tremble.  I have become darkness which shall never hear the name of He who is light.  In my anguish I plead for the faintest flicker from the least of candles to give unto me even a hint of light.  But no light comes, for now I am blackness and my only companions are the shadows.  My soul calls out for the giver of light, but He cannot answer, for I remember not His name.

     ~ ~ The Essence of Shadows

       ~ ~ by Simon West
        © 12 September, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Nine


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