Good places to go Place where anim8or user talk each other, show their work, etc. People there are very nice.
gamedevid Forum for indie game developer. Indonesian language.
socoder Forum for indie game devloper. English language, People there are very nice, though the place is somewhat quiet.
Before socoder, there was devcrunch, before that, there was codersworkshop and before that we have blitzcoder. They just survive through many problems. It's good if you want to come there and help them to survive.
tigsource forum for indie game devloper, which is seems to me more serious and rather upgraded. People don't come there just for fun. Many projects are for commercial. I seldom come there so I can't give you detail information about the place Free 3d modeller, it is very small (2 mb),  yet so powerfull. With script capability so that the user can add their own function to the program. Anim8or has help me so much in modelling. Most of models you find here are created from Anim8or. You can use tools such as convertmor, mdlmor, md2mor, to help import files from others format (.X, .B3D, MDl, MD2)
abandonia If you love the classic, you may come here.  You can meet with many games from eighties to nineties. Help you to remember the old beautiful days when games are so simple and yet so fun. 
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