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There are now 191 sound clips on this site
Click on a name below to go to the page featuring that character.

| Homer | Marge | Bart | Lisa | Maggie | Grandpa | Patty & Selma | Principal Skinner | Superintendent Chalmers |
| Miss Krabapple | Miss Hoover | Lunchlady Doris | Groundskeeper Willy | Otto | Jimbo | Nelson | Milhouse |
| Martin | Ralph | Troy McClure | McBain | Krusty | Sideshow Bob | The Bee Guy | Kent Brockman | Miss Springfield |
| Birch Barlow | U2 | Leonard Nimoy | Mark Hamil | Mr. Burns | Smithers | Moe | Apu | Ned & Maude Flanders |
| Comic Store Guy | Captain McAllistar | Barney | Lenny | Carl | Cletus | Jasper | Hans Moleman | Professor Frink |
| Dr. Nick | Dr. Hibbert | Lionel Hutz | Snake | Chief Wiggum | Mayor Quimby | Kodos and Kang | Others |

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