Sounds From Springfield Elementary

Click on the name of the character you'd like to hear

| Principal Skinner | Superintendent Chalmers | Miss Krabapple | Miss Hoover | Lunchlady Doris |
| Groundskeeper Willy | Otto | Milhouse | Nelson | Jimbo | Martin | Ralph |

Principal Seymour Skinner

"Up yours children"-- skinner-up_yours.wav 9K
Skinner gets in a fight with Stephen Hawking-- skinner-hawking.wav 38K
Skinner is very worried about the survival of the woodcock and the titpecker-- skinner-titpecker.wav 61K

Superintendent Chalmers

Chalmers and Skinner quiz the students-- chalmers-battle.mp3 137K

Edna Krabapple

Miss Krabapple teaching math, well sort of teaching-- krabapple-lowbatt.wav 80K

Miss Hoover

Lunchlady Doris

One of my personal favorites, "more testicles..."-- doris-testicles.wav 20K

Groundskeeper Willy

Willy's forced to teach French class-- willy-french.wav 41K
Who'll save Willy from the wee turtles?-- willy-turtles.wav 64K

Otto Mans

Just look at Otto now, now he drives the bus!-- otto-4thgrade.wav 87K

Milhouse Van Houten

Milhouse puts the moves on Lisa-- milhouse-eyebrows.wav 114K
Milhouse's mom says he's handsome-- milhouse-handsome.wav 54K
Apparently Milhouse thinks Marge is hot-- milhouse-hot_mom.wav 91K
Milhouse gives some tips on how to deal with bed wetting-- milhouse-bed_wet.wav 82K

Nelson Muntz

Nelson discusses how to prepare huckleberrries-- nelson-huckleberries.wav 155K

Jimbo Jones

Jimbo's considering becoming a lawyer-- jimbo-law.wav 35K

Martin Prince

Martin gets a talking Al Gore doll-- martin-al_gore.wav 35K

Ralph Wiggum

Ralph is learnding-- ralph-learnding.wav 61K
Ralph needs help opening his milk-- ralph-milk.mp3 100K
Ralph eats the caps for his cap gun-- ralph-caps.mp3 78K
"Help, she's touching my special area"-- ralph-area.wav 36K
Ralph explains the origins of his nose bleeds-- ralph-nosebleeds.wav 27K
Ralph auditions for the part of Fallout Boy-- ralph-chicken_necks.mp3 60K

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