Sounds From Springfield's Celebrities

Click on the name of the character you'd like to hear

| Troy McClure | McBain | Krusty | Sideshow Bob | The Bee Guy | Kent Brockman |
| Miss Springfield | Birch Barlow | Leonard Nimoy | Mark Hamil | U2 |

Troy McClure

Troy in a driver's ed movie-- troy-appealing.wav 110K
You might remember me from such nature films as..."--- troy-earwigs.wav 77K
Nothing compares to a mother's warmth and love, or better yet a 75 watt light bulb-- troy-light_bulbs.wav 79K

Ranier Wolfcastle "McBain"

Krusty the Clown (Herschel Krustovsky)

"Get down with the clown"-- krusty-get_down.wav 9K
The Krusty Brand Speak-and-Say-- krusty-speaknsay.wav 100K
Krusty offers $40 to watch his show-- krusty-40_dollars.wav 80K
Krusty could pull a better cartoon out of his...-- krusty-cartoon.wav 64K
Krusty heartily endorses that event or product-- krusty-endorse.wav 37K
Krusty introduces the "Stingey and Battery Show"-- krusty-stingey.wav 65K
Krusty desperately wants to be in a hemoroid commercial-- krusty-hemoroid.wav 116K
Krusty explains his views on gun control and the King of England-- krusty-guns.wav 29K

Sideshow Bob (Terwilliger)

Sideshow Bob shares his view of Princeton with his brother Cecil-- sideshow_bob-princeton.wav 132K

Channel Ocho Bumble Bee Guy

The Bee Guy does a scene about Homer-- bee_guy-molestado.wav 41K
Apparently the Bee Guy doesn't like something that's big-- bee_guy-grande.wav 41K

Kent Brockman

Football tickets are not to be taken internally-- brockman-tickets.wav 113K
Kent reports on a tidal wave in Kualallaala...France-- brockman-france.wav 120K
"Joblessness is no longer just for philosophy majors..."-- brockman-philosophy_majors.wav 58K

Miss Springfield

Miss Springfield opens Whacking Day festivities-- miss_springfield-whacking.wav 15K

Birch Barlow

Birch introduces the pot-smoking, wife-swapping, illiterate mayor-- barlow-wife_swapping.wav 112K

Leonard Nimoy

Mark Hamil

Mark Hamil tries to save you money on long distance-- mark_hamil-sprint.wav 155K


Bono from U2 talking about waste management-- u2-waste.wav 73K
Adam Clayton from U2 talking about his spoon collection-- u2-spoon.wav 73K

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