1) Dribble Tag-- Collect a ball and stand in the centre of the gym.  Dribble the ball and try to tag others with your free hand.  If you are tagged or the ball bounces outside the playing area, move to another area and practice ball control skills.  The winner is the last player left in the centre.
Variation:  Dribble using a specified hand, tag behind the knees.

Team Twenty-One-- 6 to 8 on a team.  The goal is to see how many team members can score 21 pts by shooting baskets.  Each team member is permitted a long shot & a follow up shot.  The long shot is taken from the free throw line.  The follow up shot is taken from the spot the ball is recovered after the long shot.  A player continues to shoot as long as he makes both a long & short shot in succession.  Each team participates at it's own basket.  2 pts for long shots, 1 pt for short shots.  Total each individual scores.

Around the World-- 6 to 8  on a team.  The goal is to see which team can have the most members make baskets from all the designated spots.  Each team member begins at the first spot & continues as long as he makes the shot.  When he misses, he has 2 choices.  First, wait for the next turn & continue from the place where he missed.  The second, is to "risk" it, meaning he gets another shot from where he missed.  If he makes this, he continues.  If he misses, he starts over.  If a player finishes, he starts over again. Each team participates at it's own basket.  The team completing the most circuits is the winner.

Basket Baseball--  8-10 on a team.  The goal is for the batting team to score runs & the fielding team to put it's opponents out by shooting baskets.  Each person has a number.  Number 1 of the batting team throws the ball from home plate as far as possible and runs the bases without stopping.  Meanwhile, number 1 from the fielding team positions himself/herself under the basket.  When his teammates recover the ball, they relay it to him, & he attempts to shoot it in the basket. If he makes the basket before the runner gets to home, the batter is out.  If not he scores a run.  Then the number 2's go, and so on.  Switch when all have batted.

Keep Away-- 8-10 on a team.  The goal is for one team to keep the ball away from their opponents while passing to their teammates.  The player with the ball may not walk or dribble with it.  The ball may be knocked down or intercepted.  The score is determined by the number of completed passess made in succession.

Sideline Basketball--  No more than 10 on the court at one time.  The object is to score, as in basketball.  Each team is lined up and numbered off along the opposite sidelines.  The first 5 for each team come on the court.  Players within the court cannot pass to their teammate that are in the court, they must pass to the sideline player on their team.  The ball may not be dribbled.  Sideline players must stay off the court.  Following each score, 2 new teams of 5 players take to the court, with the original 5 to the sidelines.  2 pts for each basket scored.

Modified Bordenball--  Same as regular basketball with exceptions.  First, no dribbling, no shooting, and the ball may not touch the floor.  Movement of the ball from one end of the court to the other is done by making passes.  Ball holder can only pivot when holding the ball and then pass.  The object is to movement the ball to either a designated spot for a point, or to the wall, where t is touched for a point.  No contact is made by the defender.
Variations:  Allow dribbling along with pasing.  Designate a minimum number of passes to be made before a point can be scored.

Number Basketball--  Make 2 large teams for a full court game, or 4 teams, for 2 separate games to be played width-wise. Designate numbers to each team and their players.  For a team of 10 players, designate the numbers 1 through 10.  Do the same for the other team.  Call out a group of numbers, for example "all the 1's, 2's and 3's".  This will create a 3-on-3 mini game involving the 3 called numbers from each team.  You can make it a 3 on 3, 4 on 4, or a 5 on 5 game, from the numbers you call.  Allow 1-2 minutes of non-stop action, before you call them back, and call out new numbers.  Always switch up the method of calling the numbers.

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