Two types of stops, The Stride Stop and the Jump Stop (a.k.a. 2-Foot Stop or Screech Stop)

The Stride Stop:
-is a "1-2" count stop
-the forward or stopping foot is slapped down
hard on the court
-the body must be lowered and the stopping leg flexed as the stop occurs
-the rear foot comes forward and ahead to maintain good balance
-the stopping foot (now the rear foot) is the pivot foot if possession was gained prior to commencing the stop.   

The Jump Stop:
-is a "1" count stop
-both feet contact the floor at the same time
-feet are spread for balance
-the centre of gravitiy is lowered upon impact with the floor
-the body is facing the desired direction
-either foot may be the pivot if possession was gained prior to commencing the stop.    


A pivot is used by a player with the ball to
(a)  align him/herself with the basket
(b)  protect the ball from a defensive player
A pivot foot is that foot which is static and around which the body rotates.  The pivot foot is determined by the player if both feet are on the floor when the ball is received.  Also, determined by player if both feet are in the air when the ball is received and a "screech" stop is executed.  If both feet are in the air as ball is received  and the player executes a stride stop, the foot that lands on the floor first becomes the pivot foot.

Two types:
Front Pivot--stepping forward with the free foot
Reverse Pivot--stepping back with the free foot

The dribble has many uses:
-to advance the ball, to start offensive motion, to clear the ball out of a congested area, to stall or delay the game, to create a passing lane.

General Points:  Keep your head up.  Use the fingers, not the palm to grip and control the ball.  Push the ball to the ground with your wrist and fingers.  Do not slap the ball with the palm of your hand.

Two Types of Drbbling: 1)  (Low) Control Dribble:
--The ball is lower, bounced quicker, and closer to the body.  The ball is dribbled at knee height on the side away from the defender.  Primarily used when a defender is attempting the steal the ball away.
(High) Speed Dribble
--The ball is dribbled ahead of you between waist and shoulder height.  This type of dribble is used when you are moving quickly with no opponent in front of you.

Additional Dribbling Tips:
--Apply a change of pace--to confuse or fake opponent
--Apply a change of direction--to evade an opponent, to create offensive action.

Note: The higher the ball bounces while dribbling, the greater the chance of it being stolen.  For best control, the dribbler actually touches the ball while it is still rising.

Is considered one of the most important fundementals of the game.
Is the fastest, easiest and most efficient method of moving the ball from your basket to a shooting position at your opponents' basket.

--Helps advance the ball up court quickly
--Helps achieve a better court position
--Helps improve your shooting position

Four Types of Passes:
1) Bounce 
-- passed past a defensive player  who has arms up, or if teammate is cutting to basket
or can be used to pass "inside" to a post player.
2) Chest   
-- used to pass around the perimeter of a zone defense, used when a direct passing lane is open, used to advance the ball up court (i.e. outlet pass).
3) Overhead
--used to lob to a taller "post" player, used to avoid a trap or double team.        
4) Baseball
-- may be used as an "outlet" or clearing pass, used to initiate a fastbreak.

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