Prank PM's
  Consider this prank phone calls for the internet age.  I Pm'ed several sissies under the name of a sock puppet.  They had no idea who they were really talking too.
   These are our conversations.....
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I want to wrestle.

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
5:58 PM
ok, what superstar u wanna be?

I want to be The Rock.

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
5:59 PM
sorry it's already taken how bout HHH?

Who's The Rock?

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
6:01 PM

I know her and she is an ass.  Tell her she can't be The Rock, cause I wanna be The Rock.

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
6:04 PM
nope, can't do that, sorry man, choose some1 else

But The Rock is the best one, man.  He's the shit and so am I.  Please lemme be The Rock.  I bet bitchin won't even show up.

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
6:10 PM
she will, shes ina match for sissyslam against mannkind, theres plent of other superstars man, I'm sure u find one:)

What do I have to do to get you to change your mind?

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
6:12 PM
hmm, u know rikishi is related to the rock, u can be him

But I don't wanna be him, man.

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
6:14 PM
u gott ahve a 2nd favorite, don't u?

No man, The Rock is the shit.

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
6:16 PM
so is triple h

Triple H is a loser.

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
6:18 PM
I make a deal, if u agree, to be some1 else other then the rock who isn't taken, I will give u a title shot in a triple threat match at sissy slam deal?

OK, but I wanna be Pee Wee Herman.

From: Undertaker
Received: 8/14/01
6:23 PM
lol...he's an oldddd wrestler...hehe

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