Fried Carrot Cake

Singapore Style Breakfast:
From: [email protected] (BobbyD1065) 

Ingredients :
White Radish (peeled and grated medium) 400 gm. (14 oz.)
Glutinous Rice Flour (un-sweetened) 200 gm. (7 oz.)
Cold water 200 ml. (7 oz.)
Preserved radish (Chinese specialty item) 28 gm. (1 oz.)
Sesame oil 15 gm. (1/2 oz.)
Salt and white pepper to taste

Method :
Grate the white radish and steam it 30 min. this will reduce the water content and the volume.

Combine the glutinous rice flour (called Mochiko in Japanese shops) with water and mix to a smooth consistency.
Add the steamed radish and preserved radish and blend well.
(see note at bottom)

Place mixture in a well greased pan to a 1 in. depth.
Steam for 1 hour.
This may me done in an oven by using a water bath and covering it well with foil.

Chill well (a freezer works best).
When firm cut into 2 inch diamonds, dust with corn flour and fry in a medium hot pan till properly browned.

Serve hot with stir fried chinese broccoli or your favorite asian green vegetable with hot chili paste and dark soy sauce on the side.

Note for Carrot cake mixture.
Add at will: green onions, and any vegetable tidbits that you may choose.
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