This Page is a tribute to Joe Colquhoun and an annotation of the flying log from his service as an Air-Bomber in the RCAF during World War II.

Anson Blenheim            Wellington Halifax Lancaster F/O J. Colquhoun

Uncle Joe's Log

We all loved Joe Colquhoun. The war years were only a small part of his long, fruitful, and we hope, fulfilling life. None the less, they were significant years for him. As a youngster, I was fascinated and pestered him for stories about the war. He would politely, but firmly turn the conversation to other topics. Later in life, he overcame this reticence and told some stories repeatedly and in great detail, always promising "to make a long story short". But these stories gave only a glimpse of his wartime career.Picture of Log Book

The Log Book turned up after his death and was displayed at his funeral along with other mementos. Sadly, abbreviations and jargon made a great deal of it incomprehensible. With this "Annotation and Notes", I hope to make Joe's log more "accessible" and  meaningful to family members. I hope this will bring you all a little closer to Joe and his memory.

I have tried hard to get the right level of detail. It would be easy to overwhelm the reader with details far beyond their level of interest. To avoid this I have tried to indicate good sources of more detailed information for those who wish to read further.

I should also apologize for the huge amount of absolutely shameless plagiarism. I have lifted large chunks of text and many pictures directly from the work of others. My only excuse is that I have not done this for profit or academic credit, and that I hope these lifted materials will draw at least some of you to the original sources and beyond. To that end I have tried to give credit, where due, to the original sources.

Tips: - the Table of Contents gives a good summary of his career,
        - the training pages can be gone through quite quickly, or not,
        - don't miss Pages 43 & 44 .

Any complaints, comments or further details should be directed to me, John Davidson at:  [email protected]


Table Of Contents