Update: Or What's New?

11/07/01: Hey looky-here! It's only been a year since my last update! So, what's new? Check out the GALLERY page for starters. I added a few pics from the very early days of DRN. We're talking glitter and makeup, folks!

11/05/01: Greetings friends! I was inspired by Oktobre's being bugged to get around to some updates. Lyrics added for Without You. I added a few pics on my gallery. I'll get some more stuff up soon, I promise!

02/13/01: Added lyrics to Come To Me. There's still more to come... Also added a link for a distant cousin of mine who custom builds Prinzing classic autos that run on Ethynol!

01/11/01: Added lyrics to Burnin' Love. More to come... My guestbook is back, so feel free to discuss among yourselves!

01/11/01: Well, I don't know what happened to my guestbook...good timing, eh? I did add a pic of Melvin & me backstage at the Edgar Winter show in Billings and a B&W photo I took at the show. Check out the Gallery page for a look.

01/09/01: Greetings Slammers! I've been pretty slack lately with my updates, but I have very little discretionary time on my hands. While Anthony's Discussion Forum is down, you are all welcome to utilize my guestbook page to get messages to one another. I'll let Anthony know, so he can post when it's up & running again.

11/29/00: I still have to scan my pictures from the show, but here's one of Melvin & Ed Selph, the bass player for Rick Derringer, which I got from

11/16/00: Okay,here's the scoop. Melvin is just finishing up a 4 month tour with Edgar Winter. He told me that he & Brion have a 5-piece band called Humanity in L.A. and are being looked at by a major label. I won't say which one, since I didn't ask him if that was cool, but it's major. He was playing a 6-string bass (Hohner?) and lookin' very cool. I think he was a little under utilized, but it's not his gig. Anyway, check out this Edgar Winter page for more info.

11/15/00: Went to see Rick Derringer and Edgar Winter last night here in Billings, Montana. I was backstage trying to find something a vegetarian could eat. I asked Edgar if he had a bass player with him this tour (last two times I saw him he had all the bass programed). He said, "No, I've got a bass player now and he's a damned good one!" Cool. So a few minutes later Sly Stone walked in & I went to introduce myself & it was Melvin! Couldn't believe it! We chatted a few, took a picture & he hit the stage.

I was reviewing the show, so I took lotsa pictures that I'll post here in a few weeks (b&w that I have to develop & print myself). Check back & I'll fill you in on what Melvin & Brion are working on...

Anthony & Blake, please don't scoop me, this is my exclusive story! Haha! :)

10/02/00: Nothing new really. I have been putting an addition on my house all summer and have been too busy to add anything to this page. I do have more to put up, I just need to set aside some time. Please sign my guestbbok if you haven't yet. Thanks & slam on!

05/18/00: Sorry for the absence. My computer crashed & I had to wipe my hard drive & re-install everything. I still have to re-install my scanner. I am still hounding Rick & Jeff for info. I may just fill in some bogus info to encourage their participation. I have been very busy with life in general. Thanks for your patience!

03/09/00: Added lyrics for "Come Alive." I'm working on adding all the B-side lyrics eventually.

03/02/00: Sorry for the slow progress lately...There are some new single sleeves on the Singles page & new pics on the GALLERY page.

01/31/00: I'm out of disc space on GeoCities, so I need to figure out how to re-scan some of my pics so they use less memory. Or, find a new domain. In the mean time, since I originally decided to make a page for Slam Society newsletters & named this page after them, I'm going to make that a priority. To make room, I deleted the DRN/Bon Jovi press link for the time being. If I can't get this all figured out, I'll have to resort to typing in all the download any newsletters you would like to keep. Right now, I have only one of four pages of the Vol.1; No.1 issue, but should have the rest up this week.

01/26/00: I put the logo off the first DRN Lp on my index page. Also, the gallery has a pic of Dan from 1986 & a copy of my official fanclub membership VIP card! Bear with me as I try to figure out my scanner...Peace!

01/25/00: Okay, I scanned a bunch of fun stuff over the weekend, but haven't had time to get it allup yet, but...check out my 1985 DRN setlist from a gig at Key Largo. I'm guessing it's from the summer of that year since that's the only place I ever saw them with Jeff Siri. I have live audience recordings of about half a dozen of these tracks: Change Of Heart, Come To Me, Cutie Pie, Everynight, Eye On You, Hopeless Romantic, Out Of Tears, etc. If only I had a recording of this show! I'm betting that Dan Pred has some material from those early years. Let's see if we can get him to convince Dan the Man to put out some CDrs for us diehard fans...

01/21/00: Pic of Brion from Wembley '89 that I need to re-scan & '89 pic of Dan in shades. New pic of bald Dan in a black turtleneck circa 1990. Pic of Dan from Adrenaline Sky booklet (downloaded from VideoMedia page). Pics and link to DRN's 1st keyboardist Jeff Siri's most recent project, oneroomplanet.

01/10/00: Check out the PRESS page! I think I'm going to run out of disc space quick, so I may need to buy more... Anyway, I have a few items from KERRANG! on there you will find interesting...

01/07/00: Okay, it's been awhile..sorry. I did get a scanner for a Winter Solstice gift & am just figuring it out. So far, I've managed to scan a few new things for the gallery page, but am having some trouble with the quality. Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated & will enhance your viewing. The new pics are of the 1st & 2nd DRN line-ups, the cover of the "Get To You" CDVideo & a flyer & songlist from the May 6, 1988 Minneapolis show. I have dozens of pics to scan & add, so keep checking back at least once a week. And feel free to sign my guestbook with feedback! Peace in 2000! Scott

12/14/99: Added a page for KERRANG! Magazine's year-end lists for 1989 & 1991. For those of you who aren't heavy metal fans or don't reside in the UK, KERRANG! was the ultimate source for HM news in the '80s & early '90s. I haven't seen it in a few years, but when I last did, it had really lost its uniqueness/appeal. I plan to add a lot of DRN photos from this mag--including a cover shot of Dan & Jon Bon Jovi.

12/12/99: Started the Brion James interview on the Dec. '92 Newsletter page. Reconfigured the links page for your browsing pleasure (see if you can find me on the GLACIER page!). I also scanned some old pics, etc. that I'll have in the gallery by week's end.

12/09/99: Created templates for all the pages still under construction for Tina's sake.

12/06/99: Added another page-worth of info on the Dec. '92 Slam Society newsletter page. Added 2 pics of Dan (that very old Willamette Weekly & G13) & 3 of Melvin (from Stevie Salas' Alter-Native) to the gallery.

12/03/99: I connected my Melvin profile properly. I added 1989-1993 entries on the timeline & added incomplete page templates for Rick & Jeff.
Thanks to Anthony for pointing out my typos & for linking me to his page!
P.S. There's another DRN page in the works from London! We're taking over!

12/01/99: Okay, here it is...I'm anouncing my Dan Reed Network Page SLAM SOCIETY to cyberworld! I still have a lot of work to do, but after a month's worth of spending my lunchbreak working on this, I'm anxious for some feedback. So, please sign my guestbook on the Index page. Thanks!

So what's on this page? Not much, so far, but hopefully there are some things that might be new to a lot of you. I chose the name for the page after the long-defunct official DRN Fanclub. On this page I will include all the newsletters, DRN Timeline, band member profiles, etc. that were sent to all dues-paying members.

I also have a lot of early, pre-Blake stuff & articles, interviews, photos, etc. from mostly European mags. If any of you have something you think would be nice to include, feel free to e-mail me & I'll try to get it on.

Check back at least weekly & I guarantee you will find new info!

Scott Prinzing,

� 1999 Webmaster

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