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Do check out these hand-picked links before go to your favorite search engine!

Content Design
space.com, spaceflightnow.com, spacedaily.com : Space News
spacefuture.com : This excellent website loses out on instant news and visual appeal, but has good essays on vehicle , station design. It has enough text to keep you busy for hours. 7/10 3+3+0/10
fas.org : Frederation of American Scientists. This website has a wealth of information on aerospace topics and comprehensive sections on a lot of aeroplanes and spacecraft, although much of it is from the military point of view. The navigation takes some time to get the hang of, but is truly worth the effort. John Pike has left FAS - and unfortunately most information is not being updated. 101/10 1+0+3/10
hobbyspace.com : Clark Lindsey's HobbySpace is a superb website for enthusiasts. Do check out the 'RLV News' and 'RLV Countdown'.
astronautix.com : This website by Mark Wade is a huge encyclopedia on space lauchers of all kinds.
NASA sites (there are so many of them!)
nasa.gov : The NASA site :-) 6/10 0+2+0/10
spaceflight.nasa.gov : Focusses mostly on news and ISS 7/10 3+0+1/10
highway2space.com : On NASA's emerging space craft ( X-34 , X-37 , X-34 ) 2/10
dfrc.nasa.gov : Dryden Flight Research Center homepage.
msfc.nasa.gov : Marshall Space Flight Center homepage.

Aerospace Corporations

lmco.com : Lockheed Martin Corporation.
This site is revamped often, which is good you might say, unless the people in-charge run out of ideas. The last time I visited the site, I had difficulty in going beyond the first page.
6/10 0+2+0/10
boeing.com : The Boeing Company.
All sections are easily accessible and load pretty fast. Unfortunately, the webmasters put too little information in each page. One ends up clicking a lot on drop down menus.
7/10 2+3+1/10
scaled.com : Scaled Composites 6/10 4+2+1/10

Space Directories

ssl.umd.edu/space/ Brian's Space Hotlist - An eloborate collection of resources on almost any space related topic.
spaceref.com Space Reference - Promoted by the Discovery Channel. Also has latest news

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