The host site's hard drives crashed recently and all our lovely messages were lost. We especially regret losing those messages to which we had not replied. We apologize to all of you who took the time to sign our Guest Book yet did not receive a thank you. We treasure all the comments we have received.
Name - Kevin     Email - K.goel
Date --

Name - kerri hillis    Email - lilpimp20062
Date --     From - tx.
i think that people on probation should not have to spend time in jail. or if they have violationed there probation should not be sent to jail. on a old warrant they should dimiss the thing. i got a boyfriend that orlando flo. wants the old warrant is back in 1989 . and to me the judge should just dimiss it.

Name - angelica    Email - [email protected]
Date --     From - oklahoma city
i would like to see more of this good poetry so my kids can resd it

angelica martinez

Name - marcey    Email - [email protected]
Date --     From - miane

Name - hope anderson    Email - kym22_kai2000@yahoo
Date --     From - michigan
I also have someone incarserated for something he should have not been. your page is great some other thinds i have seen are not even well thought out. thanks for sharing your story. best wishes take care.

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