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Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos
Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos

Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos: Dungeon Master's Guide
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If you have come here looking for free blank character sheets for version 3.5,
I highly recommend the multiplayer character builder found here:

As a Dungeon Master myself, I fully understand that the world you create and control is yours alone. I present the following ideas only as a guide to help understand how I use the characters in my own gameplay.

1. How to print character sheets
2. Character game play suggestions
3. Game suggestion: The Secret of Atlantis
4. Blank character sheets
5. Print cover page
5. References

1. How to print character sheets (Return to Top)
All character sheets have been designed to fit onto four sheets of 8.5" x 11" paper. Before printing your first sheet, you should do a print preview to ensure that your margins have been set wide enough to fit each sheet. With my system, the following settings work well:
Top: 0.2" (6mm) Bottom: 0.2" (5mm) Right: 0.1" (2.5mm) Left: 0.2" (5mm)
Once the margins are set the first time, you should be able to print all the other sheets directly.
You may also want to turn the first page around after printing, thereby using both sides of the paper for easier use. If you have access to a photocopier, you could transfer the sheets onto one piece of 17" x 11" paper which could be folded and stood up during game play.

2. Character game play suggestions (Return to Top)
The heroes, as presented in the character descriptions, are very powerful even with their low levels. I would suggest not allowing the characters full access to all their weapons right from the start. In my own game, they each started with only the Elemental Ring, given to each of them by Simon Christopher, to better face Rzeznik Maya. The players assuming the identities (my family) were all first time players, so I made each of them relatively difficult to kill. I also included another magic capability of the rings, in that if they were all touched together, Simon or Ayn could be summoned. With Simon's power of Resurrection, all characters were ensured constant play. The remaining weapons were obtained in gameplay, for which I used a modified version of the D&D module 'Castle Amber'.

Due to the power of the magic items owned by each character (which should all be considered artifacts), I use a rule stipulating that any other magic items obtained by the characters may only be used for the duration of the adventure they are found within; afterwards all treasure must be turned over to various charities. Experience points are only awarded for what is donated to charity, not for material found and expended within the adventure.

The characters should be considered multi-classed, with half their hit points going to advancing levels in each of their classes. There should be no limit to level advancement, other than that imposed by the particular character class.

3. Game suggestion (Return to Top)
You can find a challenging game involving the Rzeznik Character here:

You can find an idea for an interesting game at the following link:

Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos: The Secret of Atlantis

4. Blank character sheets (Return to Top)
Presented for you to create your own mythologies.

Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos:  Blank God Characters Sheets

Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos:  Blank Hero Characters Sheets

4. Print cover sheets (Return to Top)
Click the link to get a printable cover page.

Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos

5. References (Return to Top)
1. Advanced D&D Dungeon Master's Guide (1st Edition), Gary Gygax (0-935696-02-4)
2. Advanced D&D Player's Handbook (1st Edition), Gary Gygax (0-935696-01-6)
3. Advanced D&D Deities & Demigods (1st edition), Gary Gygax (0-935696-22-9)
4. Advanced D&D Unearthed Arcana (1st Edition), Gary Gygax (0-88038-084-5)
5. D&D Expert Dungeon Module X2: Castle Amber (Chateau d'Amberville), Tom Moldvay (0-985696-51-2)


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