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Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos
Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos

Dungeons &  Dragons: The Philosopher's Stone Mythos: The Legend
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Without Genesis, or 'The Beginning' there was only the Unnamed equilibrium of One. At once, there was the separation of Perspective from Potential. A moment later, The Perspective became "Who am I?" and there was created the different perspectives of The Self (embodied as Iama Tath), The Notself (embodied as Inanna Cthulhu), and Love (embodied in Hermes Trismegestus).

Love then created Truth (embodied as Simon Christopher) and Beauty (embodied as Ayn Magdala). Through their union in Love, Truth and Beauty created Reality and the inner planes of Earth (embodied as Stone Quest), Water (embodied as Xanadu Tempest), Fire (embodied as Samson Lionheart), and Air (embodied as Ashley Gayle).

Self and Notself defied Love, and in so doing, created Free Will (embodied as Rzeznik Maya).

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