Welcome and thank you for calling in on my humble attempt at a Homepage.

I first became interested in Model Trams in 1997 after visiting the National Tramway Museum at Crich, Derbyshire whilst recovering from a hip replacement. As a result I joined the Tramway and Light Rail Society (T.L.R.S.) to find out more about the modeling side of things. Via the pages of their quarterly magazine "Tramfare" I am slowly doing just that. Also their annual Festival of Model Tramways is an excellent event to meet, see and talk to other like-minded souls whilst at the same time purchasing those hard to get items without resorting to mail-order. I prefer to see what I'm paying for before letting go of the cash, though not always possible. Otherwise it's a 50 mile dash to Blackpool and Tower Models.

 The 2000 exhibition fortunately for me was held in my home town at the Manchester Transport Museum, Boyle Street, Cheetham Hill (The rear of the Queens Road Bus Depot - formerly Tram Depot), on July 8-9th. An excellent show at an excellent venue. I attended on the 8th but having read the review I missed out on some fascinating models displayed on the Sunday.( Hit the T.L.R.S. button to read for yourself the reviews since).    

The 2002 & 2004 Festival of Model Tramways returned to Manchester and was held at the same venue. This time however it was slap in the middle of the Commonwealth Games on the 27th and 28th July, also held here in Manchester; and the second reason I didn't attend. The first being lack of funds - �4 to get in ??..
I really hope it was the big success that the T.L.R.S was wishing for and that overseas enthusiasts attended whilst visiting the Games.
(Check this out by pressing the
T.L.R.S button and read for yourself)

Manchester 173 nearing completion at MTMS (1999)>>>>^

The 2006 Festival of Model Tramways is back in Manchester at the same location on the 22nd. and 23rd. July(Check this out by pressing the TLRS button ).

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