Albert Square Manchester Progress
( click image to enlarge )

[1] Track fixed on top of plain board viewed from Town Hall Extension
[3] Pavement base (balsa) laid throughout {Note: mini drill with slitting disc - essential for track cutting}
[4] Mount Street roadway laying encroaching into the Square
[5] The entire Square has road surface dried and awaiting cobbles
[6] Mount Street now cobbled and darker {Note: LRTA meeting place is on the block centre right.
[7] Albert Square now has its cobbles and Corgi's Wallesey open topper is temporary works car cleaning out the rails. {Note the photos on the backboard to help later}
[8] Looking up Moseley Street into Piccadilly where a CCTV camera is used to ensure points are working correctly from the control board.
[9] Point repair in Mount Street (One of only five working commercial items - ALL others are scratchbuilt).
[12] Computer aided drawing of centre poles taken from Ian Yearsley's "The Manchester Tram".
[13] One of six finished centre poles made over the previous drawing.
[14] Let Buildings Commence -- The Scottish Provident Insurance Building starts life on the computer. It is the printed out in B+W and glued to cardboard.
[19]Shops are added to Pratt's after completion of windows. Note the traction poles shown here are the Home brew variety.
[20]Building No.3 starts life like the others - Henry Blacklock & Sons, while work continues on the other two.
[22]Blacklock & Sons now has windows and Balconies while the others get external detailing.
[25]Building No.6 - The Northern Assurance Society joins Ellis's .This one is going to be tricky as the A-frame of the house roof gets in the way. But it does hide the cabling for the pointwork quite well.
[27]The Sottish Provident Insurance Building nearing completion - awaits external lettering....
[28]The upper floors declare the Concrete & Cement Association, plus Pratt & Co - Advertising while the shops below remain two unknown and Harwood & Robinson.
[31]Colour contrast for both buildings white plasticard for Lyons and Cream paint for NAS.
[33]Two sides of NAS building are joined as best as the Attic's 'A'frame will permit and the gable ends completed.
[37]Any double glazing salesmen out there...?
[40]As seen from street level..
[42]ditto..just testing.....
[47]Awaiting new film and More over a Flash Gun.........

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