::::::::Impact Upon Us::::::::The Richest Resource Available To Mankind

Impact Upon Us

Internet has significantly altered our life style in several ways. It is providing opportunities to wander about the world and to escape out of the real world while sitting in the chair. By the constant repetition of certain themes and through powerful visuals of high technical quality it is even conditioning many of us in to thinking and behaving in particular ways.

Internet has its impact on Supply Chain management, and Customer Relationship management- where E-commerce is playing a big role by automating customer relationship management, like voice interactive systems where the complaints can be dealt with in no time. Banks are also changing their ways like introduction of home banking and electronic fund transfer, where funds are transferred without physically going to clearance houses. In the field of education- concepts are changing from computer based training to web based training, like e-gurukool, e-learning, on-line examinations etc., Then there is the virtual class room concept where the lecture is webcasted. Any doubts that arise can be clarified through the virtual classroom concept.

Channels are available on Internet on every thing and anything. Internet has channels on Jobs, Personal, Libraries, Travel, Art, computing, Lifestyle, Shopping, Music, People, Money, Games, Sports etc. It is amazing to know the amount of information that is available on the Internet, through which one can access the information in the best and most inexpensive ways. Anything in this world can be accessed through the Internet these days. Similarly E-mail has revolutionized the communication. Voice mail is where they record voice and the same is sent to the destination. Net-to-phone is where one can talk to anyone in the world at the cost of a local call.

New trends are prevailing on the contemporary business scene. Internet and networking techniques are redefining the business as a whole and plenty are on the anvil for those interested in using them for gaining superior advantage who are well-versed in technological and management aspects. E-Commerce is a forerunner in this regard.