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Jesus is Coming

words and music by William O. Richardson
� 1999 Unpublished Songs(SESAC)
PO Box 13
Hendersonville, TN 37077-0013
[email protected]

There will be wars and rumours of wars
Nations gonna rise up in hate
People stand in line for the mark of the beast
To get it before it's too late
The fig tree is blooming look up for the signOf the Son of Man in the sky


'Cause Jesus is coming
Jesus is coming
Jesus is coming real soon I know
Jesus is coming real soon

As the lightning flashes East to the West
That's how fast it's gonna be
Imagine the sound of the trumpet
In stereo on your TV
The fig tree is blooming look up for the signof the Son of Man in the sky
Behold the days coming the branch has grown longand this time it ain't gonna die

Repeat Chorus:

Take heed let no man deceive you
For many shall come in my name
Saying I am the Christ don't believe them
He told you the last time he came
Most of them didn't believe him but this time the world's gonna see

Repeat Chorus:

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