Bride of the Monster

Loretta King as Janet


A woman reporter, investigating the disappearances of several locals, discovers the mansion of Vornoff, where he lives with Lobo, an early experimental mistake and faithful manservant, and an mean-spirited octopus. Vornoff is inflamed with great vengeance and furious anger at the world, which, once he perfects his experiments, he plans to take over with a legion of atomic supermen.

Lugosi: Hollywood's Dracula (1997) .... Herself (Interviewee)
... aka Bela Lugosi: Hollywood's Dracula (1997) (USA)
Haunted World of Edward D. Wood Jr., The (1995) .... Herself
Bride of the Monster (1956) .... Janet Lawton
... aka Bride of the Atom (1956)

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