Company of Wolves

Sarah Patterson as Rosaleen


This movie is in fact a magical bag full of symbolic folklore about werewolves. Grandmother Angela Lansbury tells her granddaughter Sarah Patterson strange, disturbing tales about innocent maidens falling in love with handsome, heavily eyebrowed strangers with a smouldering look in their eyes; about sudden disappearances of spouses when the moon is round & the wolves are howling in the woods; about babies found inside stork eggs, in a stork nest high up a tree; etc., etc. Then there is the mixing man into animal effects with oninous symbolism and literary metaphor to retell "Little Red Riding Hood" as a horror story. The plot is constructed in Chinese box fashion with one narrative generating another, each one elaborating or modifying the elements that went before. The main characters are the storytelling Granny and the growing Rosaleen whose journey into sexual maturity provides the thread holding the fragmented narrative together. The picture refuses any simple equation between wolves and male sexuality, preferring to dramatize the ambiguities inherent in the fantasy itself: Patterson's fear wolves is matched by her erotic fascination with them, making 'the beasts' a metaphor of sexuality's awakening in both boys and girls. The photography is exquisite, capturing an autumnal tone that adds to the sinister qualities of the medieval times.

Biography for Sarah Patterson

Date of birth
22 April 1972
Very little is known about this lovely young actress, who had a wonderful debut in Neil Jordan's The Company of Wolves (1984) which was thought to have led to a solid career. However, for one reason or another, she opted only to appear in one more film, Cannon Movie Tales Snow White (1988) which was shot on location in Israel. The dark-haired, pale-skinned Patterson was the perfect choice for the lead role, and in both of the fairy-tale themed films she displayed a great talent for both serious and comedic acting. Since neither of these films were huge commercial successes, Sarah Patterson retired from the big screen and settled down. Sources say she is now married and happy.

Sarah Patterson Fan Site

Do I Love You? (2002) .... Louise
Snow White (1988) .... Snow White
... aka Cannon Movie Tales: Snow White (1988) (USA: video title)
Company of Wolves, The (1984) .... Rosaleen

Movies starring Sarah Patterson at

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