Dellamorte Dellamore (Cemetery Man)

Anna Falchi as She


Francesco Dellamorte is grounds keeper at the Buffalora cemetery where the dead have suddenly and for no reason begun to come back seven days after they're interred. Dellamorte doesn't know why and doesn't care. It's just his job to keep them in place. The situation soon complicates itself when a voluptuous woman appears as several characters, living and dead, to tempt Dellamorte. Dellamorte has a delicious spiritual malaise, "the living dead and the dying living are all the same," he says, "cut from the same cloth". Soon the duality between love and death (in Italian, dellamorte means "of death" and dellamore means "of love") creates spiritual conflicts for Francesco in Buffalora.

Gli occhi dell'amore (2001) (TV) .... Elena
Operazione Rosmarino (2001) .... Silvia
Bodyguards - Guardie del corpo (2000) .... Se stessa
Caraibi (1998) (TV) .... Livia 'Aurigemma' Cornero
... aka Piraten der Karibik (1999) (TV) (Germany)
Paparazzi (1998/II) .... Herself
Principessa e il povero, La (1997) (TV) .... Mirabella
... aka Falsche Prinzessin, Die (1999) (TV) (Germany)
... aka Princess and the Pauper, The (1997) (TV) (Europe: English title)
H�ritiers, Les (1997) (TV) .... Sophie
... aka Eredi, Gli (1998) (TV) (Italy)
Giovani e belli (1996) .... Zorilla
... aka Poor But Beautiful (1996) (International: English title)
Celluloide (1996) .... Maria Michi
Palla di neve (1995) .... Helena
... aka Snowball (1995) (USA: cable TV title)
"Desideria e l'anello del drago" (1994) (mini) TV Series .... Princess Desideria
... aka "Dragon Ring, The" (1994) (mini) (Australia)
C'� Kim Novak al telefono (1994) .... Kim Novak
... aka Kim Novak Is on the Phone (1994)
Miracolo italiano (1994)
S.P.Q.R. 2000 e 1/2 anni fa (1994) .... Poppea
... aka S.P.Q.R.: 2,000 and a Half Years Ago (1994)
Dellamorte Dellamore (1994) .... She
... aka Cemetery Man (1996) (USA)
... aka Demons '95 (1994)
... aka Of Death and Love (1994) (Australia)
... aka Of Death, of Love (1994) (International: English title: literal title)
Affaire, L' (1994) .... Mathilda/Angelina
... aka Case, The (1994)
... aka Derni�re carte, La (1994) (France)
Anni 90 - Parte II (1993)
Nel continente nero (1993) .... Irene
... aka On the Dark Continent (1993)

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