Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning

Melanie Kinnaman as Pam


Fifth in the popular slasher series, this time the isolated rural setting is a rehab center for the mentally deranged, where ill-defined characters are knocked off by road flare shoved into mouth, beheadings, impalings, an axe in the brain, shears in the eyeball...all of the gratuitous violence you could ask for.

Biography for Melanie Kinnaman

Is an accomplished dancer and stage actress

Originally, she had signed on to star in the sixth Friday the 13th. The idea was that the sixth film was going to be a direct sequel to Friday the 13th: A New Beginnning. However, the producer later changed his mind and decided to take the film in a different direction.
Personal quotes

"Many of the things we did in that film were so hysterically over the top that I spent most of the time just trying to look at the cameramen without bursting out laughing. If I made eye contact, I would lose control. And I lost it a lot of times." (about filming Friday the 13th: A New Beginning)

"If you go back over all the Friday movies, you notice that the people who make these films love to see blondes running. I knew how to run and I was blonde, so I had an edge."

"I really feel the Friday the 13th films are among the better examples of the horror genre. I felt that even doing Part V made me part of a classic film series."

Best of the Best (1989) .... The Woman
Thunder Alley (1985) .... Star
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985) .... Pam Roberts
... aka Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985) (USA)

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