Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

Wendy Kaplan as Tina Williams


Surprisingly good, capturing an intensity through the performance of young Danielle as Jamie, niece of the infamous Boogeyman slasher who's now physically linked to her uncle when he's going to kill. Dr. Loomis is back and trying to hunt down Micheal as the victims fall prey to him in the usual dumb ways, costumed teenagers retiring to dark places for pranks and sex games.

"Guiding Light, The" (1952) TV Series .... Eleni Andros Spaulding Cooper #2 (1994-1995)
... aka "Guiding Light" (1978) (USA: new title)
Summer Dreams: The Story of the Beach Boys (1990) (TV) .... Marilyn Wilson
... aka Heroes and Villains (1990) (TV)
Halloween 5 (1989) .... Tina Williams
... aka Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) (USA: poster title)
Police Story: Monster Manor (1988) (TV) .... Laurie Lee

Movies starring Wendy Kaplan at Amazon.com:

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