Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Marilyn Burns as Sally


Based like Psycho and Dreanged on the case of Ed Gein, the film is, above all else, extremely well made, and it is this that gives its story of a group of young friends terrorized and murdered by a houseful of maniacs in rural Texas its visceral power and lifts it above so many of its rival low budget horror movies. Every bit as unrelenting as Night of the Living Dead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre knows how to use both camera and editing to sweep up the spectator into the holocaust on the screen - director Tobe Hooper knows exactly what not to show, and realizes that much of the power of horror lies in suggestion rather than overt gore.

Biography for Marilyn Burns

Date of birth
5 July 1956
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Marilyn Burns was born in Erie, Pennsylvania on July 5, 1956, and was one of the original 'Scream Queens', remembered primarily for her role in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). Her follow-up appearance was in Hooper's _Eaten Alive (1976)_ , where she played a vacationer who unwittingly stumbles upon a hotel run by a madman who feeds his guests to his pet alligator.

Marilyn earned her 'Scream Queen' status by starring in other horror movies; Kiss Daddy Goodbye (1981), Future-Kill (1985). In 1976 she appeared in the TV-movie Helter Skelter (1976) (TV), and her role as Linda Kasabian, the Charles Manson follower whose testimony helped lead to the convictions of the cult leader and many of his followers, was worthy of viewing.

In 1994 Marilyn had an uncredited cameo role as a patient on a gurney in The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1994).

Marilyn Burns Trivia

Boogeymen (2001) (V) (archive footage) .... Sally Hardesty ('The Texas Chain Saw Massacre')
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Shocking Truth (2000) (V)
Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (1994) (as Anonymous) .... Patient on Gurney
... aka TCM 4 (1994) (USA: abbreviated title)
... aka Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4 (1994) (abbreviated title)
... aka Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation, The (1997) (USA: reissue title)
Future-Kill (1985) .... Dorothy Grim
... aka Night of the Alien (1985) (UK: video title)
... aka Splatter (1985)
Terror in the Aisles (1984) (archive footage) .... Sally (segment "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre")
... aka Time for Terror (1984) (Europe: English title: video title)
Kiss Daddy Goodbye (1981) .... Nora
... aka Caution, Children at Play (1981) (USA)
... aka Revenge of the Zombie (1981)
... aka Vengeful Dead (1981)
Eaten Alive (1976) .... Faye
... aka Death Trap (1976) (UK)
... aka Horror Hotel (1976)
... aka Horror Hotel Massacre (1976)
... aka Legend of the Bayou (1976)
... aka Murder on the Bayou (1976)
... aka Starlight Slaughter (1976)
Helter Skelter (1976) (TV) .... Linda Kasabian
... aka Massacre in Hollywood (1976) (TV) (USA: video title)
Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The (1974) .... Sally Hardesty
... aka TCM (1999) (USA: reissue title)
... aka Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (1974)

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