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Gabrielle is lured into Dahak's clutches (XWP: The Deliverer).

Gabrielle gives birth to Hope, Dahak's daughter. Xena insists that Hope is evil and should be destroyed (XWP: Gabrielle's Hope).

Hope, under the strange impression that it will deter Xena, releases Callisto from the lava flow to cause mayhem, and kills Solan. Gabby poisons Hope. Xena traps Callisto (XWP: Maternal Instincts).

Hope releases Callisto (again) and sends her back in time to kill Alcmene before Herculesis born, with the intent that a world without Herculeswill be easier for Dahak to enter. Iolaus foils her plan (HTLJ: Armageddon Now).

Hope returns to the world and mates with Ares, who has done a deal with Dahak; Callisto switches sides and helps Xena and Gabs defeat her; Gabrielle and Hope fall down a volcano and Xena kills Callisto with the Hinds Blood dagger (XWP: Sacrifice).

Hope and Gabrielle have survived the fall; Hope has given birth to Dinsdale, the Destroyer, who accidentally kills her (XWP: A Family Affair).

Dahak, still trying, has enlisted the aid of King Gilgamesh, Nebula's brother. Hercules innocently helps Gilgamesh find the nectar of the Sumerian gods; Gilgamesh drinks it and destroys the gods. All Dahak needs now is the sacrifice of a warrior's heart; Gilgamesh aims at Nebula and gets Iolaus instead (HTLJ: Faith).

Herculessearches for Iolaus in the Sumerian Land of the Dead (HTLJ: Descent)

Dahak kills the Irish Druids; Herules and Morrigan go to Sumeria to help Queen Nebula, who has gone mad, and finds that Dahak has taken over Iolaus. Dahak/Iolaus goes to Greece to further his plans (HTLJ: Darkness Rising)

Helped by Zarathustra, Dahak's first disciple from 1000 years before, Hercules, Jason, Nebula and Morrigan battle Dahak/Iolaus. Herculescan't just kill Iolaus, or the sacrifice of an innocent soul will mean Dahak wins (shades of Gabrielle). They trap Dahak and Hercules must exorcise him (HTLJ: Let There Be Light).

Dahak sends his messengers to kill Ares so he can take his power. Herculessends Nebula and Morrigan to protect Ares. Ultimately, the exorcism succeeds. Iolaus' spirit ascends to the Light (HTLJ: Redemption).

The Greek gods (with the exception of Ares) have hidden in the Alternate Universe of Stranger in a Strange World. Herculesgoes to rescue them, Ares goes to make sure they don't come back, and kills the Sovereign with the hinds blood dagger on the way. Hercules(and the gods) win this one (HTLJ: Stranger and Stranger).

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