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Mother of Vanesa, aka. Pilee. Wife of Rahl. After their daughter was captured by the Horde, she and her husband gave her up for dead. But six years later when Xena and Gabrielle brought the child home, she tried to help her re-adapt to the culture she was born into. Adiah was far more understanding of the changes in her daughter than her husband Rahl yet she was broken-hearted when her daughter chose to leave her home and live with the Horde. As Xena indicated, at least she had the comfort of knowing that her daughter was alive and happy. (XWP: Daughter of Pomira.)

On his quest to destroy all of Hera's temples, Hercules arrives just in time to save Aegina, a slave girl intented for sacrifice. Aegina convinces Hercules that his role in life is to aid people in trouble. (HTLJ: The Wrong Path)

Aidan taught Gabrielle a way to attain inner peace through meditation, prescribed postures, controlled breathing, etc. Aidan ran his own little "Self Actualization Fellowship" but his followers were conspicuously absent. Xena discovered that Aidan was using his practice to suck the goodness out of his students until they turned to stone. (XWP: Paradise Found)

Princess Diana's little black dog. While impersonating Princess Diana, Xena mistook Akbash for food and almost ate him. (XWP: Warrior...Princess)

Son of Talamon. Tara's handsome dance partner. He worked with Xena, Gabrielle and Tara to bring dancing back to his home town. (XWP: A Tale of Two Muses)

Teen-age 'apprentice' to the evil shamaness, Alti. Upon meeting Xena, Alti appeared to 'offer' the girl to her. When Anokin was killed, Alti took Xena to the Land of The Dead to visit her. (XWP: Adventures In The Sin Trade I)

The Mother of Peace. Xena's reincarnation in a future life. Xena used the Mendhi to travel to a future life to save her eternal spirit from being assimilated by the evil reincarnation of Alti. (Naiyima: "There is a great evil in the future that is hunting Xena's soul. It has found her. If it succeeds, it will destroy her karmic cycle and will end all of the good of her future lives.")
Xena found it ironic that the once self-proclaimed "Destroyer of Nations" would become "The Mother of Peace" in a future life. Although she inhabited the body of an age-weakened old lady, Xena's spirit had some difficulty controlling her warrior instincts. Equally ironic was Gabrielle's reincarnation of the warrior, Shakti whose karma it was to be the protector of Arminestra.
Through the Darshan, Naiyima and the ritual of the Mehndi, Xena and Gabrielle became enlightened to the fact that their souls were intertwined throughout many lifetimes, past, present, and future. (XWP: Between The Lines)

Cyrene's husband, Xena's father (maybe).

A group of beleaguered refugees, led by Broteas, who wants his people to settle down in the promised city of Calydon permanently. However, because he secretly stole a chalice sacred to Hera, Queen of the Gods, they are plagued with attacks and misfortune until Hercules returns the chalice. (HTLJ: The Road to Calydon)

Hercules alienates his friends when he abandons them during a compitition called The Games to team up with two people he meets, Pollux and Castor who are, like him, mortal sons of Zeus. Things get worse for Hercules when Pollox cheats and injures Jason causing the two to fight out their differences.
(HTLJ: Winner Take All)

Warlord (deceased).

Hercules hears of a terrible Cyclops wreaking destruction in a nearby town. Upon arrival, they learn that the Cyclops has diverted the towns river to Hera's sacred vineyard. Hercules goes in to battle the monster and restore the towns water supply. But he discovers that the marauding Cyclops is actually misunderstood -- hes been mistreated all his life, taunted by the townspeople. Hercules tries to broker a truce between the Cyclops and the town, but a fierce band of Hera's executioners arrives to dispose of the meddling strongman. With the Cyclops help, Hercules defeats the attackers, brings the townspeople to a better understanding of the monster, and restores the river. (HTLJ: Eye Of The Beholder)

Xena's lieutent (deceased) who ousted her from command of her army.

Brother of Paris of Troy.

Destroyer, The
Grandson of Gabrielle, son of Hope and Ares.

Childhood friend of Xena, now a resistance leader.

Gulinthia was Alcmene's midwife and helped her deliver Hercules. Hera, seeking some measure of revenge for Hercules birth and the proof it offered to Zeus's unfaithfulness cursed Gulinthia's deforming her and making her a giant.
Shortly after becoming a giant Jason's father, then the King of Corinth led a battle against Gulinthia chasing her out of Corinth. Gulinthia returned 10 years later swearing to kill Jason, not wanting any son of the man that defeated her to take the Throne again. Hercules stepped in and eventually realized who Gulinthia was and helped make peace between Jason's kingdom and Gulinthia.
Despite her sad fate for her part in delivering Hercules she told him that she doesn't regret her choice. Helping Hercules mother was the best thing she ever did.
(YH: The Head That Wears the Crown)

Friend of Xena, Beautiful wife of Paris of Troy.

Joxer's evil older brother, the so-called King of Assasins.

Centaur King (deceased), foster father to Solan (Xena's son).

Priest of Dahak.

[lao Ma] Lao Ma
Chinese Queen (deceased), mother of Ming Tien, sometime lover of Xena.

Mila was an was briefly a cadet at the academy. Growing up an Amazon Mila never met her father but decided at an early age to go out and search him out. Mila was tricked by Ares into thinking she was his daughter, a deception that almost put her and Hercules at odds. Mila eventually learned the truth however and instead joined Hercules and Iolaus in defeating Ares, not to mention Strife and Discord.
Shortly after learning the truth about Ares, the young Amazon left the academy and took to the road, determined not to give up her queast and to one day meet her father.
(YH: Mila)

Slave girl from Gaul, saved Xena's life when she was crucified by Caesar, taught Xena "the pinch".

Queen of the Amazons.

Priestess of Dahak, murdered by Gabrielle.

Centaur prince (deceased), Husband to Ephiny, father of Xenan.

Pythagoras [Pythagoras]
Pythagoras is a new Cadet and new friend to Hercules and Jason. A very intelligent student with a love for chemistry he is a sharp contrast to Hercules and Iolaus who would be considered to more jocks then brainiacks.
Pythagoras' father once worshiped the gods above all else, including his family and the result has caused Pythagoras himself to deny his belief in gods even when his new friend claims to be the son of the kind of the gods. He recently encountered Strife and Fatuus and has admitted his beliefs were brought into question but as a whole he still holds true to his belief that what is said to be gods can be explained by science and superstition.
(YH: The Skeptic)

Smarmy con-man who Xena rather fancied.

King and trickster (deceased).

[Solari] Solari
Amazon Lieutant, close friend of Ephiny. (deceased)

Amazon Princess (deceased) who bestowed her rank on Gabrielle for trying to save her life (unsuccessfully).

Tien, Ming
Chinese King (deceased), son and murderer of Lao Ma.

Xena's elder brother.

Warlord (deceased).

Tsu, Ming
Chinese King (deceased), father of Ming Tien

Centaur King, father of Phantes.

King of Ithica and hero of the Trojan War.

Centaur son of Ephiny (deceased) and Phantes (deceased), a centaur prince. Named after Xena.

Zylus was a Cadette at the academy who after Kiron left tried to bully and intimidate his way into controlling it. Hercules, Iolaus2, and Jason put a stop to his plans and sent the wannbe mercenary packing. Zylus used a gauntlet with a metal blade and a bunch of fancy weapons in battle although it didn't help him one bit in battle against Hercules.
(HTLJ: The Academy)

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